What happened to my ability to edit my posts from yesterday? There are the Quote and Reply buttons, and the Report, but I no longer see an Edit button for my posts from yesterday when I go back to review them. Also, why does searching "Your Content" return an error message? Also, what does this message mean when I am posting a new thread: Oops, something went wrong. We could not find the page you were looking for. But, maybe we can help. Navigate through our top menu or contact our team, browse the forums or search for the keywords, to find what you were looking for. Or, start a new discussion by clicking on new thread, and open the conversation
There is a time limit for Edit privilege. I don’t know what is exact time, but it is less than a day, I think. I don't know about the error messages.
They severely limited the edit time awhile back without explanation. Then, after numerous complaints, lengthened it to the current four hours or something. When you get an error message, it's either a function that was never really there, or, is currently unavailable due to the nature of the buggy software or database.
I can confirm Search function on Prius Chat (at least on PC) is currently not working. No matter what I put in the search box, I get error retruned.
I can't edit either. I made a post and was going to add pictures later for the benefit of others, but now I can't. I can't think of a reason why they won't allow editing older posts. I'm a member of numerous forums and none restrict this ability for this type of information sharing forum.
Did you try within 12 hours? I believe that is the current time-out. I've even started some changes (mostly spelling and diction corrections) and hit 'Save Changes' slightly too late to get posted. Back before timeouts, some angry departing members have been known to start mass deletions of their history as they leave. I also saw a few newbies erase their questions once answered.