Hi there, I'm soso happy that I've found this Forum. I've already read a lot, heard a lot...but I wanna hear it from you, the Prius owners. First hand information I'm about to buy a Prius to live in but I'm so not sure which model to take. My limit are 8.000 USD. I wanna keep the seats inside the car because I think im able to sell it better with the seats inside. Would be amazing to get some experiences/recommendations whatever. Thanks in advance Daniella
welcome! v is the largest, but lift back is big enough. c is too small. they all work the same, so size is the only consideration.
...live in your car? Okay, whatever works for you. There's a thread for this: The Official Prius Camping and Road tripping Thread | PriusChat Use the search function and you'll probably find more. The v wagon is the largest of the bunch and it's pretty big inside. Though, it may be difficult to find one within your budget that hasn't been abused. Many people around here have slept in their second- and third-gen liftbacks (the regular model) with no problem. As bisco said, avoid the little c hatchback.
thank you so much for your input. i'll walk my way through the search will let you know which one it finally makes it
Try to make sure what ever model you pick you won't end up spending more to fix it up if possible. Test drive and see if the mpg is still good. If you can get in the 40's that is considered normal for the V. In street driving you can see 70's, 80's mpg, but unfortunately it is the gas fill up calculations that matter. I think the V is one of the coolest camper potentials for a hybrid because of it's size and stealth. if possible remove the backseats to give yourself more storage space. Store it at a family member's house or something. Yes having the seats available to resell is a must. Conversion for the back seat to storage. Make sure the hybrid fan intake is clear so air can cool the hybrid battery. How to Make a Prius V Into a Camper
I'll make the same comment to you - look into a Toyota Highlander Hybrid as well as a Prius. Even more models are in your price range than the other guy has. This would give you a bit more room, admittedly at the cost of 10mpg or so. It's also a more substantial vehicle, which might be a plus for you. Having the ability to look at 2 different models might also give you a bit more flexibility in your search.