4 passengers. Luggage for 18 days for all passengers. Big camera gear (zoom range 180° horizontal to 960mm equivalent on an SLR) and electronics (17 inch laptop and about a thousand game devices for my kids). 6 states. 12 hotels. 3,030 miles traveled. 56.3MPG average. Car performed extremely well, even in 40mph crosswinds at 80mph in Utah and 104°F heat across the desert. A/C is exceptional. In-car navigation was invaluable as Google Maps was often not available in many remote areas and downloading off-line maps over such a huge area is not practical. When both were running, in-car nav was 100% perfect. On the other hand, Google directed me onto a highway closed by a wildfire. Maps said it was still open while I was at the barrier talking to the sheriff. I ended up using the Prime's exceptional range once. I filled up in Las Vegas, drove to Anaheim, drove around in LA, and never had an opportunity to fill up. No problem, just drove to Escondido, CA and filled up there with about 200 miles of range remaining (and after over 450 miles of driving). I only got to really charge in one location - Las Vegas - where I got 1.5 battery charges. The Prime will climb just about any hill fully-loaded without depleting the battery and without losing the ability to accelerate. Vail Pass at 70 was no problem and I only lost 3% of battery on the way up (18% - 15%). I had to slow a couple times for traffic and just hitting resume brought it up to speed without issue. Very impressed with this car.
Quite true. It is? Why haven't I noticed a problem when I've done that? Repeatedly. Over Wifi, of course, not over the cellular system.
Two large suitcases with all the clothes, bathing suits and shoes, one toiletry bag, one lunch box of snacks. Not shown are the electronics in front of the back seats on the floor. One duffel, one small backpack for each kid. Once the smaller kid is bigger and her legs reach the floor, the duffel won't fit but I had to bring a huge lens for a special purpose for this particular trip and the other stuff in the duffel will fit in the center on top of the suitcases with reduced, but not eliminated, rear visibility. I had much of that there for a portion of the trip and it was no real issue. But since she is still short, the duffel in front of her wasn't an issue and most of the time I won't need such a large lens (Sigma 150-600C, if you want to look it up). Full rear visibility.
Glad your trip was a success. Were you the one who asked about max payload ratings in another thread as you were preparing for this trip? Did you ever calculate the actual payload--weight of gear and passengers--you loaded your car with? Did you pump your tires up to max. cold sidewall pressure--required to handle the max. tire loading?
The vehicle capacity (passengers plus cargo) of my 2016 Three Touring is 825 pounds. In the Owner's Manual -> Index -> Weights -> Load Limits, you'll find the capacity of your Prime. But sounds like you were within spec. as long as the tires were pumped up. Take a look at the sidewall on your tires. You'll see a statement such as "Max Load xxx lb. AT xxx psi." This means the tires are rated to carry the max load only when they are pumped up to this max pressure.
The Prime's rated occupant load is 670 pounds. I consider this number overly conservative, to say the least. I had the tires at 44psi.
True, and that is one of my justifications for using pressures higher than recommended on the door label. But the maximum rated tire load significantly exceeds the maximum rated loaded vehicle weight, so one shouldn't need to reach anywhere near that sidewall max number in order to fully load the vehicle.
For my 2016 Three Touring on OEM tires: Max Tire Load is 1,201 pounds per tire. Times 2 for two tires on each axle is 2,402 pounds per axle. Max vehicle load per axle is 2,250 pounds (front axle). Thus you're only over by 2,402 - 2,250 = 148 pounds on the front axle. In other words, at max tire pressure, the tires can only "take" an additional 148 pounds per axle than the max rated load for the car. So, I would not say this "significantly" exceeds the rated load. Best pump up those tires when carrying max load.
Great write up, thank you. I was wondering how well the large suit cases fit in the Prime; I know they fit well in the PiP (and my prior Gen2) like a glove. I chuckled at your comment about electronics, sounds like my family with our two boys (11 & 7). Any road trip involves at least 3 iPhones, 4 iPads, a couple Nintendo DS’s and a Switch. (including the devices belonging to my wife and I, of course). But I digress... As far as specs, is the cargo capacity measured below the tonneau cover, or up to the glass? I have never seen a definitive answer on this. I am giving some thought to upgrading to a Prime in the fall, once I see what the 19’s offer (but would likely grab an ‘18 on clearance, since it will probably just be a carryover)
That's an awesome trip! I really enjoyed reading the details--I really want to do a few trips like that in my Prime!
How much of the payload are you putting on the front axle? It looks like you might have used two morbidly obese front seat passengers as the entire payload, with nothing in the rear seat and trunk.
Thanks for the link. I had seen your cooler picture before but not the others. I know the hatch area looks smaller because of the raised deck, but still fits a lot of stuff. I am still amazed at how much big stuff fits in any of the Prii I have had. PS - Good to see a 65” TV fits too, that is what I plan to upgrade my 55” to at some point, one more argument for the wife!