20180606_162733 by Samamander posted Jun 6, 2018 at 5:11 PM Anyone know how to fix that little plastic piece right there in the picture some donkey hit my car and drove away and I want to fix it myself
The repair method would depend on what you want the finished product to look like. If you want it to look like new you'll need a body shop. If you're going to be OK with looks OK from 10 feet you can push the dent out after carefully applying heat (with a powerful hair drier or paint stripping gun). Emphasis on careful application of heat or you will strip the paint off of your bumper. As you do this push the bumper from behind and try to pop out the dent and achieve the original shape. Then get some solvent and clean of the black marks. If the material is ripped or split and you're sort of particular about how the car looks, you'll have to decide if you want to try filling it. This is a more complicated process and requires special body filler, sanding and paint. Check out YouTube for videos that describe that process in detail. If you choose to use touch up paint make sure to get paint that matches your cars original Toyota color code. You can find that on the driver's side door jamb should be 3 digits preceded by c/tr.