Yep, that looks like a Three. It also looks like it's missing its wheel covers though, but some people prefer that look. 32,000 miles is definitely below average for the age. If the service history checks out on that car it might be a good buy even at $8500. Did you get the VIN? You can check on Toyota's website for free if the car has been serviced by a Toyota dealer. EDIT: Found it on Craigslist. Salvage title. I'd stay the heck away from that but that's my own personal preference.
So we came to an agreement of $8000 cash plus a watch and guitar of mine. I can ask him for the VIN number but I don't think it's been serviced yet at only 32000 miles. His mechanic just refreshed the AC or something he said and looked the car over and it has no problems. I am just trying to figure out a ride situation to drop me off. I might not be able to do it today. Might have to be tomorrow or Sunday. EDIT he gave me a vin number. I called but the woman told me all she could do was tell me if there is a recall or not. Said once I was the owner I could register and or take it to a Toyota dealership and they could see the service history. Of course it's salvaged. The KBB for a fair condition Prius is over $16,000. I have done research on Salvaged cars especially the Prius. I am okay with buying it. You thought it was a clean title 2015 Prius with 32,000 miles for only $8500??
...yes, but I was thinking it could be a rebuilt as well. Slightly embarrassed. Go here: Track Your Service Records with Your Toyota Owners Account Make an account and just pop in the VIN. Or spend the money on the CARFAX in case the Salvage title was because of an accident. But since you are going to buy it anyway, congrats!
So I registered and the history just shows SYNTHETIC, MULTI POINT INSPECT 3 times. It was in an accident. It was the drivers side car panel that was damaged but it's all fixed. I will inspect it with advice from here and the vids when I can get a ride to go see it. Probably tomorrow or Sunday. I'll report here if I get it or if any problems come up. Thanks.
I just got back from buying the Prius! When I got home and turned it off, the dash read that I got 56.0 MPG. The guy told me to make sure I always hit the P button before I turn off the car. Everything looked good and it drove fine. I still have a lot to figure out but all the manuals are in the car so I can look at them. The only problem I've had so far is that my phone won't connect to the Bluetooth. His iphone hooked up right away even after he unpaired it to the car so I know it's just some setting with my phone that I will figure out. What are some stuff you want to know or that I make sure I do? He told me he didn't drive the car much and then showed me the drive history on the dash and sure enough. not a lot of driving over the last couple of months at all. I have to set the date and time and have to learn about resetting the miles between A and B. He left the car with a tad over half a tank in it so that was nice. Thanks again for all of your help and I'm sure I will be asking some more questions. Now to go to the DMV on Monday and put it on my insurance.
Well... twhen u turn off the car it goes into park by itself, its good to have it as a routine to click the park button, but its nothing to freak out about if u forget to click it before turning it off.
Is there anyway to turn off the beeping sound when I am backing up without having to pay for extra adapters? What are some tips and tricks for a new owner? Anything I should turn on or off? Should I always use EVO mode? When to use eco and power mode? Certain ways to drive the car to maximize mpg? Things to check or make sure I don't mess with? I am coming from a 1998 Infiniti QX4 so not used to how advanced this car seems. Anything cool I need to know about the touchscreen? Are there cool apps to download on my phone that work with the car?
Congrats. If there's a car to buy as a salvage, it would be the Prius. Small fender benders seem to have the insurance companies declare them as totaled. Keep us updated on how the car works out for you.
Thats for sure, look at how my car looked like before i bought it... Abselutely horrible... Rear bumper was changed, i got a new front bumper waiting to be painted, tail lights changeed, fog light replaced, wheels r thrown away... it even had 2 differetn colors of black on the mirrorhousings... like Wth... and now it looks like this. I get depressed looking at how the previous owner abused it, what an idiot.
The beeping sound can be reconfigured at a Toyota dealer or by using the Carista OBD device + mobile app. When reconfigured it only beeps once when you shift into reverse. As for the driving modes, I personally have gotten my best fuel economy just leaving the car in normal and letting the computer decide when to switch between electric and gasoline. "EV" mode is best engaged when you just need to go a super-short distance, for example moving your car in your driveway or moving to a different parking space nearby. "Eco" mode adjusts the throttle response on the low end to give you more control of your power level in around-town driving, and it reduces the performance of the Automatic A/C mode. "Power" mode adjusts the response in the other direction, making it touchy but useful for highway merges with a short distance before the lane goes away.
Okay I will call my local Toyota and see if they will charge me for that. What is normal mode? I only have 3 modes. Evo, Eco and Power. The guy told me to mostly use Eco mode(would that be normal mode) and that Power only uses gas. I have a friend that's had a Prius for 4 years so I can call him up about stuff but if I can get it answered here, I won't have to bug him haha. Any tips or tricks you've figured out. Are the 2015 models pretty similar in most aspects to older models or are only "gen" ones the same?
Normal mode is when none of the other modes are engaged. When you engage one of the driving modes (EV, Eco, Power) a little light will illuminate right above the speedometer. Press the mode button once, it's on, press it again, it's off. You can switch between them, turn them off, etc on the fly, but they take a few seconds to engage / disengage and you can only engage EV mode under certain circumstances. Take some time and read that owner's manual! Especially since you're coming from a drastically different vehicle. Your car is a third-generation, model years 2010-2015. First-gen is 2000-2003 in the United States, second-gen is 2004-2009, and the current fourth-gen has been on sale since 2016.
I'd also do some of the obvious stuff. Look carefully at the interior for wear, listen intently to the engine when cold and hot, look at the color of the oil/brake fluid/coolant, test everything in reach of the driver. Check the resting voltage of the 12-volt battery with a voltmeter or see if you can find the diagnostics tricks to report it on the dash. That may eliminate some of your options.
Okay so I will turn those modes off until I learn more about the car. That book is really thick lol. I don't have any report due so I will skim through it.
ECO mode seems to me to have a negative effect, it makes me use more petrol... i think its because it forces the engine to start and stop all the time while in Normal mode its either on or off and not switching between both. The modes only changes the throttle response tho, nothing more. Or well.. power mode keeps the petrol engine on standby if u drive over like 40kph, in normal its not on standby before u reach like 80kph, its not constantly on as many people here have said. I find normal to be the best mode, then i use power mode for when im going on the on ramps and stuff. Also one thing i do all the time, when i reach the speed limit, lets say thats 60kph, i let go of the throttle, cause that turns off the petrol engine, then i push it halfway in, cause then it keeps the petrol engine off and let the electric motor hold the speed limit. The blue bar i have made here is only the electric motor, and the red is electric motor and petrol engine. It moves constantly and shows u how hard u press the throttle. Sometimes it will force keep the engine on tho, because it needs to charge.
I know you are in a different country but I pretty much understood all of that. The guy did tell me to try to never go all the way to the red for too long. I will start to learn the nuances soon enough. Thanks again for all the help now and that will likely continue to happen haha.
I dont understand why he would say that tho? Its not dangerous at all to flat out the throttle, the car can go flat out for aslong as u need it to. So i dont see why he would say that, it acts pretty much like a normal car. Only thing thats not good for the prius is to have the engine constantly on for hours and hours, cause that wears out the planetary gear. But thats nothing to think about when u r just accelerating.
So the guy told me he took care of everything with the car. The salvage title was from Oregon but I didn't think much of it. I go to the DMV yesterday and 5 hours later, I finally get called and she tells me that it needs a CHP inspection before I can get the plates and title in my name. I was able to pay the registration fees and I think I also paid the inspection fee. I call up the CHP and the woman says they can't see me until the end of July. I tell the guy I bought the Prius from this and he's just like sorry for the miscommunication. Needless to say I am pretty angry with this. My insurance company told me to take a pic of the front and back of the title and email it to them and they should be able to insure it. I was advised to call the head DMV office to see if I can get inspected sooner. I'll report back here when I know more.
You'll lose any remaining Toyota powertrain warranty. Sorry to rain on your parade. Some good news is the HV battery might still be covered under the emissions warranty. My vehicle has a "Salvage" title. Is the New Vehicle Limited Warranty still valid?
I know about no warranty. The DMV seems pretty incompetent. I called their official office and the guy didn't even know what a CHP inspection was. I hung up on him. I called my local CHP and he told me the DMV should have given me a operation permit and he has no idea why they didn't. I have an appointment for Aug 1st to get my inspection by them. I am waiting for the DMV to call me back so I can explain to them how they were wrong and I need a permit.