I noticed that there are 2 types of stickers with the VIN number on the driver's door posts. What determines what sticker we have? I'm sorry but I'm using a translator ...
understood. i did not know that, and don't know the answer. hopefully, someone who does will respond.
Those are regulatory compliance labels. There's a law somewhere that says something like "And there shall be affixed a permanent decal or marking, identifying the VIN and blah blah blah" And there are several such laws- each one gets its own sticker because combining one with another would technically cause non-compliance with both. Different markets (locations) have different laws- so sometimes there will be a whole second set of labels for a car that might be built one way for more than one destination. The mix of stickers you get is very dependent on where the car was first sold.
The VIN number is the same in three places on the driver's door pillar, under the passenger seat and on the undergrowth on the left