I have a toyota prius 2012 gen 3 The car was good for 2 years Recently i got a message “ check hybrid system “ on my dash And a abs light and a slip light Sometimes the wheel light Yesterday i changed the tires and when i was trying to turn o. The car the car won’t turn on No ready light And all the light come on my dash So i open the hybrid the check if the cell is good All the celles are more than 7.71 I checked the 12 v battery is 12.5 I checked the fuse everything seems ok Im confused now Helps please
Maybe the "service plug grip" (orange/red safety disconnect on right side of battery) needs to be pushed to the right? How many miles on it; it's out of warranty?
Not to hijack this thread, but I have never heard of this nor seen it (although I haven't looked). Is it readily accessible? Would it be an effective theft deterrent for long-term parking/storage?
Thank you keinodoggy the car is on now But i still have the abs light and the traction light What i have to do now ?
See post #4, follow it. Come back here with the code(s), Mendel Leisk will be able to assist what your options are next to fix the issue(s). Without following post #4, you will not receive an answer to fix the issue.
grille is in the rear seat, and the fan duct is accessible through the rear floorboards. check youtube for a video.
Here's the video. One comment: you don't need to remove rear seat; just push the seat cushion and back apart, reach in with a 12 mm socket on a 6" (or longer) extension, to remove the one bolt. Be careful not to drop it though.
Just like you reboot a computer. Disconnect the Positive on the 12V, say for a minute, then reconnect well. The only reason I say the positive is that it’s safer. With the negative in your hand it’s easy to accidentally ground it out anywhere. Do the same with the power switch. This allows all the associated computers to reestablish or realign all the computers in the car. You may have to do this 2-3times. Easy to do. Cost nothing and sometimes fixes.
That's the opposite of what I've always heard and done, but don't ask me why. I've just always heard you should be disconnecting the negative?
Accidentally grounding the negative (on systems with negative grounds, which is almost everything these days, as positive ground systems are mostly antiques now) should not be a hazard. It just means having to restart your clock for the amount of time you plan to have power disconnected. Accidentally grounding a wrench or other tool being used on the positive battery terminal or cable is a hazard. I've witnessed plenty of sparks from someone else doing it, and heard stories from others about metal watch bands and wedding rings getting hot real fast when they became part of the accidental grounding path.