<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(mssmith95 @ Jul 29 2006, 01:57 AM) [snapback]294214[/snapback]</div> Exactly! That has been my point...they should have asked questions privately to Team Phonak and Floyd first before going out to the media and second, I think there might be other motives behind it...
Ok first, Testosterone is the single hormone responsable for the physical increase in endurance above normal levels. Before someone calls BS on this, let me explain what I mean. In a few rare instances, we get a chance to see the effect testesterone plans on providing athletic endurance. In one of these instances Janet Furman Bowman (who use to be Jim Furmam before changing genders and then sexes) who compeates at a professional level in running experienced the exact shift expected by age-sex grading in proformance when eliminating her testosterone. Basically, Jannet started blocking testesterone and her endurance and preformance dropped an accuratly predicted amount. back to topic... testosterone is a banned substance. Lance armstrong must have been taking testosterone. There is absolutly no way he would have been able to compete without it; he had no testicles (or am I wrong about this) but with the link testosterone and enducnce has, then shouldn't any abnormal level be consitered cheating even if it was not doped on purouse?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(jmann @ Jul 29 2006, 10:26 PM) [snapback]294469[/snapback]</div> I can't speak to if Lance was taking supplementary testosterone to bring his levels up to normal, but I do know the body produces testosterone even in the absence of testicles. Do some research on Castrati. As for Floyd, since they are not testing the level of testosterone but a ratio of testosterone to epitestosterone, then the testing is more suspect. More so considering the lab that is doing the work isn't the most reliable. Landis: Stigma may never go away "Landis had an exemption from the Tour to take cortisone shots for pain in his hip, which will require surgery for a degenerative condition, and was taking an oral medication for hyperthyroidism. He and his doctor were consulting with experts to see if those drugs might have thrown off his testosterone levels." "Testosterone can build muscle and improve recovery time when used over a period of several weeks, said Dr. Gary Wadler, a member of the World Anti-Doping Agency and a spokesman for the American College of Sports Medicine. But if Landis had been a user, his earlier urine tests during the tour would have been affected, he said."
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(jbarnhart @ Jul 30 2006, 02:42 PM) [snapback]294740[/snapback]</div> It was only one that was removed. He even jokes about it when hosting the Espys (ESPN sports award show): "I said I'd give my left nut to host the Espys..."
Just heard on NPR that the NY Times reported that his A sample had a 11 to 1 ratio and that they found synthetic testosterone in the sample. The B sample is being tested, results will be known in a few days. Did Team Phonak inject him with this but told Floyd it was something else? The saga continues....
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(eyeguy13 @ Aug 1 2006, 10:49 AM) [snapback]295685[/snapback]</div> He was given a cortisone shot. At least...he was told it was a cortisone shot. That would be interesting. What do you do to an athlete who is doped without their knowledge? Do they receive the same kind of censure?
At this level in sport, the athlete (and their trainers) need to know everything going into the body. If the guy is going to eat a halls cough drop, he should send a message to the doping judges saying when, why and how many. At any point when the doping committee takes a blood sample, my private firm is taking one too. If there are any drugs in the 'official' version, my lab better dang well be able to find them in the private sample too. If he gets a cortozone shot, bag the needle and syringe that gave the shot. Throw it away in 10 years if there are no problems. If they think that's the source of illegal doping, test the needle at this point when his integrity is called to question. It's amazing how these guys have so much to lose and they'll allow some bum on the street to hand them a fruit drink laced with who-knows-what, then when the sample tests positive they don't know why... Or, they know why, but are pretending innocent. I'm not much of a betting man, but if I were to place a small wager, I'll go for him taking some synthetic booster and he got caught. Someone probably told him it would be out of his system, or it would be undetectable or something. With Barry Bonds's status and so much to lose, do you think you'd be blindly taking these fish oil supliments without spending the money to find out if there is anything *extra* fishy about them? Now at best he will have a * next to any records. Bonds did it, we all know it.. Landis... doesn't look good buddy.. Half of baseball is doping, probably 90% of football.. As long as the beer sales are strong.. Have 2 olympics, 2 tour-de-france.. One for clean athletes, another for juiced athletes. 1 to test the best of the natural, and one to see how the best juiced up human on the planet can do. The natural world record is 10.2 seconds, the juiced up record is 8.5.
Well he did drop out of the Mennonites and chose to be a sinner. He is capable of anything. But this should be a good lawyer and scientist battle that goes on for at least a year. Landis has already contacted a legal team/doctor that specializes in reversing doping convictions. There is a lot of money at stake.
As much as I would like to think cyclists are 'purer' than other professional athletes, I don't really believe it. The rewards are just too tempting, and the performance differences too slight at the elite level. Floyd seems sincere, and it's entirely possible he could have been given something without his knowledge. Sadly, it may not matter. The damage, in the eyes of many, is done.
Man the internet is awesome. Here we are discussing Landis and I look down towards the bottom of the screen and see some testosterone cream for sale. Well I will soon end these problems I am having: libido, regulating fat, maintaining muscle mass, energy, bone density, regulating blood sugar, blood pressure and preventing depression. Thanks BioEntopic. http://gmcbetterhealth.com/testosterone-cr...source=overture
Call me gullible, but I still believe Landis. I don't trust the French lab who performed all these "tests" and reported their results. It's amazing how they keep ratcheting up the charges day by day. How can you even have a sport when you can't trust the agency responsible for doing the testing?
The more I think about this, the less sense it makes given that the total T was within normal limits. I'm still waiting for the results of prior tests. jbarnhart, I don't know about gullible, but xenophobic crosssed my mind.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(EricGo @ Aug 1 2006, 04:49 PM) [snapback]295972[/snapback]</div> Nonsense. Who could fear the French?!? Google search of French Military Victories (Now, New Mexico -- there's a foreign country to be afraid of... very afraid!)
The latest theory from Landis' lawyer is.........dehydration. Dehydration????? Wasn't he gulping fluids and pouring water over his head the entire stage??? Something is not adding up. B-sample results due on Saturday. Can only speculate until then......
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(jbarnhart @ Aug 1 2006, 04:46 PM) [snapback]295913[/snapback]</div> I'm with you. I want to believe the guy. This is a weird one. Landis seems like a straight up, hard-working guy. It is very odd that he could be clean days before, and days after that date, yet have 11:1 ratio and a synthetic testosterone in his system. He and his attorneys keep throwing around different possible explanations. They all sound kind of cheesy, but maybe someone tampered with his sample. Testosterone wouldn't have helped him in that race. Maybe the beer he had the night before is to blame. Perhaps it's a French plot to bolster wine sales, and tarnish the fine reputation craft brewing has garnished world-wide. Though, I can attest that beer is a serious performance enhancer...
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Pale Alien @ Aug 4 2006, 04:49 PM) [snapback]297980[/snapback]</div> But, geeez, French beer? sort of like British cuisine, or frolicking Germans....
From the NYT: Nearly two weeks after Floyd Landis’s improbable ride to victory in the Tour de France, he learned that his title might not be his to keep The International Cycling Union announced early Saturday morning that Landis had officially failed a drug test from the race. In response, his Swiss-based Phonak team fired him. Landis also may become the first Tour champion in the race’s 103-year history to be stripped of his title because of doping allegations. Landis’s test result was released at about 4:45 a.m. Eastern time, after the French national antidoping lab finished testing a second urine sample Landis provided after his dramatic performance on Stage 17 of the Tour. Testing on the first sample found synthetic testosterone in Landis’s urine, as well as a ratio of testosterone to epitestosterone nearly three times the limit allowed by World Anti-Doping Agency rules. ------------------------ I'm not ready to conclude that Landis doped until I see quantitative results throughout the race, but I can at least surmise one reason why Landis may have doped with Testosterone late in the race: Although muscle building takes weeks to months, some think that Testosterone injection might aid in immediate fatigue recovery, and Landis had bonked the day before his amazing race. I know that the yellow jersey is tested daily in the TDF; does anyone know if the stage winner is also ? If that is the case, then I remain puzzled, as it makes no sense to dope with Testosterone to win, since getting caught would be a forgone conclusion. This is the third Phonak rider to be charged with doping in the past couple of years. The other two were Tyler Hamilton and Tim Montgomery. Until teams are held responsible for doping, this is not going away. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised *at all* if the teams are complicit in the doping, and an understanding exists that if a rider is caught, the team cuts him off. Like the spy movies: "if you get caught, you are on your own .." It is just too comfy for the teams. If the rider dopes and wins without getting caught, GREAT. If the rider is caught, dump him and move on. All upside potential, as speculators would say.
So, the B sample is positive, too. I'm not one to go around shouting 'conspiracy!', but EricGo brings up some interesting thoughts. Interesting, but sad. Even our heroes are just more fuel for the corporate fire.