This is a 2005 with 160,000 mile plus a little. The other day I was driving home and in cruise. The car suddenly went out of cruise, set a bunch of lights on the panel, and went into Limp Mode. Very little power, ICE was running, showing no current flow in or out of Traction Battery. I limped it home about 20 miles as I did not know what it would do if I shut it off. Lights on Dash; Red Triangle, Brakes System, Check Engine, VSC (Vehicle Stability System). The car now 6/4/18 drives almost normal, I notice on starting the cooling fan on Traction Batt. was running. I checked coolant flow on Inverter Coolant, OK. All liquids check OK. A friend of mine checked codes for me and this is what we found; Battery Control Syst. P3000 Left Rear Speed Sensor C0 214, C1 259 System Regen Fault C 1310 Brake Boost Selinoid I could not get my OBD reader to power up. What do you think guy and gals, I think I need a Left Rear Sensor, check the Boost Selinoid, and see what is going on with the Battery Control. Please give me your input... Thanks John kb0ou
First thing I would do would be to get Techstream software as P3000 is a generic code where you’ll need something more specific to diagnose the real issue . Outside of that, a cursory inspection of the left speed sensor area wouldn’t hurt, particularly if you have reason to believe it might be damaged . If the fan is on in the back, I’d say you are having issues with the traction battery . Good luck and keep us posted .
Traction battery. Just went through this. The lights you mention, same as my 2005. The cooling fan comes on with master warning. Same thing with cruise, it gets disabled. Limp mode happens when the gas engine gets hot. Same thing with no current flow. Shutting it off and turning it back on will actually help for awhile, but I understand your reluctance to shut it down at that point. It will drive almost normally once the gas engine cools down or you power-cycle it, except for hesitations when you start out. If you drive it, baby it, don't drive far, don't drive highway, and don't jump out into traffic. Babying it on routes that allow 30-45 MPH is your best bet. Oh yeah, get it troubleshot officially. But I'm pretty sure it is the hybrid battery from your description.
I have not checked the cooling fan intake grill yet, still have to remove side panels in the back. I ordered the Mini VCI today, will read codes etc. again when it comes in.
Well I pulled more apart, the fan looks good, intake looks good. Have been looking at what battery to purchase when I am ready, any input email me kb0ou at juno dot com if you want to. I am not unhooking working stuff until I get the MiniVCI and can look more at all the codes etc. I am real sure I will be ordering a rebuilt battery soon. Thanks 4 the help John kb0ou
bisco, yes i plan on doing the work myself, in my shop. I have plenty of tools and am very familiar with electrical stuff. I have worked on Nuclear Powered Submarines, high volt DC, 3 phase 4160/480 etc., I also work on Ham Radio. So, I think I can handle a couple hundred volts DC. I will just take my time and make it right. I have looked at some of the rebuilt batteries available, trying to figure out which one to buy, I am pretty sure the car demands it.. Thanks John kb0ou
in that case, you might be better off buying some new modules and doing a complete rebalance. how much are you looking to spend?
Hey bisco, I am going to give this car to my Grand-daughter to go to college with. I want to buy a rebuilt battery as cheap as I can but I want to get a quality battery too. There probably is only a cell or two bad in my battery but I don't like the looks of going in there and messing with all the cells, I would rather someone who does it a lot does it for me and does it right. If anyone knows where I can get such a deal, please let me know, I will probably buy a battery in about 2 weeks or less. By the way, the wife and I just purchased a really cute PriusC, it is Wife's car and she loves it, I do too. Thanks John kb0ou
Have you looked at the threads here on battery rebuilding? Rebuilds don't last long because the cells not replaced are just as old as the ones that were replaced. So you find yourself playing "whack-a-mole" with your battery. What happened to you will sooner or later happen to your granddaughter. If you do go that route, you'll delay the inevitable if you use a grid charger from Prolong Battery Systems. Extending the life of your hybrid. – Hybrid Automotive to balance the battery after the repair. Best solution, if it turns out to be the hybrid battery as expected, is a new battery. Toyota's price is lower now than it used to be, but there's also an aftermarket setup available from @2k1Toaster. Second best would be a nearly new used battery from maybe a 2015 that has not been rebuilt. (Sometimes, you can even get one that has a full set of cells installed from a Gen 4 NiMH battery.) Should cost less, but won't last as long as new, everything else being equal. You didn't give a location, so we can't offer any suggestions as to where you can find one. I went the used battery route with my wife's '07 because I didn't want her stranded and didn't think we'd have the car long enough to justify a new battery.
unfortunately, there are zero experiences of consistent reliability with rebuilts. a few people have had decent luck, many have been burned, and the rest have to put up with the down time of warranty replacement.
I agree, I decided to go new myself. Hopefully, my car will be a quarter-century old when the traction battery next needs replacement!
Thanks. I'm not familiar with that area, but I'll bet someone here is. @bisco, I checked the map and Scottsville looks like about 300-400 miles from Branson. I did a Yelp search for Springfield and didn't see anything very promising. @Texas Hybrid Batteries or @ericbecky, any ideas? I know you're quite a ways off, but I thought I'd ask.
There is a member here in the Kansas City / western Missouri area who works on Prii and hv batteries. I believe he is @kcmo but not sure of his user name. Worth searching around as he is knowledgeable and willing to assist . Good luck and keep us posted .
Indiana, why??? What is a MEW Battery pack?? Have been checking on a lot of packages out there, my MiniVCI is supposed to be here Wed., I have all the stuff out of the way to pull the Batt. pack so by about Thursday 6/14/18 I will probably purchase something to try and fix my Prius Problem. Thanks John kb0ou