This post is about a replacement EVSE from After the third overheated plug repair on a BMW charger and extension cord, I realized the 12A 120VAC charger was never going to meet my needs. REQUIREMENTS We have two plug-in hybrids: 2014 BMW i3-REx - 18.6kWh +18 hours 12A @120VAC 8, 12, 16A @120VAC 24, 31A @240VAC CCS 50kW 2017 Prius Prime - 6.4kWh +5 hours 12A @120VAC 8, 12, 16A @120VAC 12, 16A @240VAC The 8A charging level is set in the car when a circuit has multiple loads. But this extends the charging time significantly. KHONS 16-32A Adjustable 120-240V Charger EVSE - Universal Actually this $379 unit has a current range setting 12, 16, 20, 24, and 32A. It comes with a three blade, NEMA 14-50 with GROUND and two HOT leads. The unused NEUTRAL blade is missing. I also ordered a $50, NEMA 5-15P/5-20P to 14-50R adapter: 120VAC Operation Downtown Huntsville has ~26, NEMA 5-20 outlets at the base of the light poles around the Courthouse. These are used by food cart vendors when the square is closed for special events: To open, push the case, not the cover, on the left side. The cover swings to the right and snaps back in later. Sure enough the outlets are hot and should be individually wired for 20A allowing 16A operation. I tested it using 12A, the lowest setting of the KHONS. The adapter cord has a power indicator light and the operational scenario: Do not plug-in the J1772 until the current is set. Wire the adapter to the KHONS and plug-in to the 120VAC outlet. There is a one minute interval to set the current by 'shaking' the KHONS until the desired current limit is set. The unit does not detect the 120VAC to default 12A. It has to be set first. Untested, the 16A limit is well within the plug and adapter wiring. The adapter has a power indicator. Plug-in the J1772 into the car: Note, these are for food and event carts. Traffic enforcement may take a dim view of charging your car. 240VAC Operation The Huntsville Space and Rocket Center has a free, NEMA 14-50 socket at the parking place marked for electric vehicles. Hinged at the top, the cover easily lifts showing the socket: Unlike the usual L1/L2 charging stations, there is no J1772 so you bring your own. They also have a lot of RV parking areas with NEMA 14-50 sockets if this one is blocked. Use the same operational scenario: Do not plug-in the J1772 until the current limit is set. After plug-in to the NEMA 14-50, there is a one minute interval to set the current limit by shaking the KHONS It does not detect the 240VAC voltage and set the default current to 32A Plug-in the J1772 There is a small window showing charging activity. Bring your prescription, reading glasses: The right hand column shows: Total kWh of this session Duration HH:MM:SS Voltage and actual current Charge rate in kWh The backside of the unit has a somewhat lame list of errors: "CP Error" actually means the car side of the handshake, adjusting the pilot signal resistance failed. Documentation The documentation are three, black-and-white, single sided, pages stapled together. It really needs a downloadable PDF file. Also the 3-blade, NEMA 14-50 plug is called "specially designed plug" without a photo and description why the NEUTRAL blade is not needed. Removing the NEUTRAL blade allows the same plug to be used with several, lower current, NEMA 14-x sockets. CONCLUSION This is a good, multi-voltage, multi-current EVSE. It could be better with a larger display, voltage detected default current, and better documentation. Due to the 32A capability, the power and J1772 wires are larger and not as flexible as the original EVSE but the greater utility makes a significant improvement. Bob Wilson
We have a few plugs on some of our clubhouse street lights & I've tapped into them just to see what would happen. At night, I've taken out a complete string. Their circuits lilely are w/in 1.5kW of being overliaded. Whoops. Daytime the strings are turned off. Next - A bunch of the street lights around our area our 277v. Hooking up to that could pose quite a show. Whoops. .
Thanks for the report Bob. I bought the same charger because I currently have one 20A L6-20P outlet at home which will eventually be upgraded. Nice to have the wide range of charging current. Also found the attached PDF's online.