can anyone remember if there were any 4th of July offers last year? I’m ready to buy, but don’t know if it’s worth waiting until the 4th...... Looking for a nice 0% for 72m, AND a few bucks cash back (I know I’m dreaming lol) also is there any advantages of getting a 17’ over an 18’ (I found a couple of 17’ advance’s in my area) Last question, has anyone had true success using the Costco car buying program (I’ll use the search function today I promise)
I bought mine around Fourth of July and got ripped off. I would wait till the fall unless you find a good deal for 2017.
Go to your local Costco and ask them to refer you to a Toyota dealer to get their "Costco Price" Armed with this price drop that number by a 2 or 3000.oo dollars and go shop at another Toyota dealership. Tell them what you want, and what you will pay. If they say no, go somewhere else. Once you find a dealer that 's willing to sell at your price, and they ask, what will it take to close the deal, ask them to throw in something like 4 mud flaps, free replacement map updates, or something that is cheap for them, and expensive for you to buy later. Do this at the end of the month or at the end of a quarter, last week of June, would be great.
Go to your local Costco and ask them to refer you to a Toyota dealer to get their "Costco Price" Armed with this price drop that number by a 2 or 3000.oo dollars and go shop at another Toyota dealership. Tell them what you want, and what you will pay. If they say no, go somewhere else. Once you find a dealer that 's willing to sell at your price, and they ask, what will it take to close the deal, ask them to throw in something like 4 mud flaps, free replacement map updates, or something that is cheap for them, and expensive for you to buy later. Do this at the end of the month or at the end of a quarter, last week of June, would be great.
They're almost $5,000 off right now in the north east. Maybe worth a trip. New Car Deals | Local Toyota Deals, Incentives & Special Offers type in zip codes at the top and choose Prime, 2017. No. Except the 2018 supposedly doesn't limit the MPG display on the dash to 199.9. And the 2018 might be more money. My COSTCO Prime adventure ended in disappointment, to say the least. The only COSTCO affiliated dealer in the Chicago area (in NW Chicago suburb). seemed to allow $1,500 off the sticker, but wanted to ad thousands more in hocus pocus useless add-ons. I had to cancel the order, which was a PITA, and cost me several weeks delay in order time getting the deal started at another dealer, sans supposed COSTCO discount. Be careful. Some dealers are absolute snakes. I never got my deposit check back from the first dealer, but luckily did a stop payment in the nick of time before they were able to cash the $1,000 deposit check. Also, I guess, never write a check for a deposit.
Guys, why go through all that hassle? No dealer is going to sell a vehicle below invoice (which is what they paid for it). So do like millions of other people, go online and get the invoice price. Typical dealer around here 5-600 over invoice on a new car. That being said, if the vehicle is hard to get hold of, don't expect such a low amount over invoice. Best time to buy a new car is when the new model year starts hitting the lot. But don't expect 0% to stay around much longer. In fact that's kinda expected to go away by the end of this quarter. I think Toyota is currently offering 0.9% here...
The advantage of Costco discount for us in NorCal was $1800 off MSRP and qualifying for 0% financing for 72m where as the dealer's advertized discount was $2500 off MSRP without 0% for 72m. In addition there were $1000 Toyota loyalty discount AND additional $1000 cash back from Toyota at that time, resulting in below invoice price. Whether or not you get additional cash back during the 4th of July season, you know the Prime is a fabulous car, best car we ever owned. When we bought our 1st Prime in Nov 2016, we only had $500 cash back from Toyota. No Costco deal at that time. We have no regret. The car hypermiles itself better than I do if you just drive it. Often, my wife who never hypermiles gets better echo scores and higher kwh per mile figures than I which is unbelievable to me! Good luck to you for your purchase! Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Also there is 15% discount on future parts purchase with the Costco deal. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Follow the advise above. Work your best deal for today. Jul 4 is about 25 days away. Then see if Toyota corporate offers a dealer incentive on the 4th and "pull the trigger" or buy at the price you negotiated today. To answer your question, Jul 4 does usually have some type of sale, but I am unsure of the data and if the discount is worth the wait. Have fun negotiating!
The invoice you see listed online is not the dealer's true invoice. They probably get kickbacks and other incentives too. A dealership in RI were selling their Primes for $3000 under invoice and that's before $4500 rebate. For the average car, if you are paying $500-$600 over invoice for a car, you overpaid. Do your research and use the prices paid forums to see what other people are getting. I agree it's easier to get a Prime in the Bay Area compared to Indiana. But right now there's really good deals in the Northeast on 2017s.
I found a few 2017’s in the Bay Area that are within an hour from me..... I wouldn’t be ready either way for about a week (I’m moving into our new home) Going to see what the Costco dealer tells me on the 16th .... I’ll keep this thread updated.... Appreciate all the help! I just would hate to pull the trigger in 2 weeks: then find out 2 weeks later I could’ve gotten a sweet financing deal..... we’ll see
hate to bust your bubble, but I grew up as a kid working in a dealership. Spent over half of my adult life in the business. That invoice price you see? yup, 99% of the time a customer came in with one printed off the net it was correct. Those "kickbacks" if that's what you want to call it is how a dealer can sell you a Prime for 3k under invoice and you still can get rebates. But alas, here I go again trying to tell an individual not in the business nor has ever been in the business.... ehhh, screw it. Your going to believe what your going to believe. Seriously do you really think a dealership can sell a car for less than they pay for it. They'd be out of business within months.
I agree businesses cannot sell everything below their cost. I never said that dealership sold it below their cost. Dealers have hidden incentives that we don't know about. There's no way they can sell 15 cars at a $3000 loss unless it's coming from somewhere else. In the end, I and a few others thought we got a great deal.
I promise you there are no hidden incentives that the public doesn't know about. The federal government can't keep secrets, what makes you think a rolly-polly dealership could keep quiet about a "hidden incentive"? Invoice IS THE AMOUNT the dealer paid for the car. Again, I was the inventory manager for a GM/Toyota dealership for half of my adult life. I did the dealer trades, ordered cars from GM, "Preferenced" vehicles for Toyota. You traded a car to another dealer, you paid the invoice price for that dealers car + manufacturers advertising fee. (Typically $200 in the Chicago region) In all my years at a dealership I never once ever in my entire life seen a hidden incentive paid only to the dealership. If your trading in a car, and the dealer sees potential value - then he may go below invoice and beyond. In hopes to recover that cash on what you traded in.
I think price might go lower, but if I was you my concern would be the availability of the specific model you want.
We bought our ‘17 Prime at Toyota Sunnyvale and felt we got a decent price. They were easy to negotiate and paid way more for our trade in than the 2 local dealerships were willing to pay. We got $16,500 for a 2015 Prius 4 that had a few battle scars. Dealerships here were offering between $10k-$12.5k. All said and done (even going upside down a bit on previous Prius) total financed was about 34k at 0% for 72 for an advanced with a few added features like aero, the door spears, rear bumper appliqué, and door edge guards.
I'm not following you. Your first statement sounds like you are saying dealers don't get kickbacks, or at least 99% of the time they don't. Second statement sounds like you are saying dealers do get kickbacks. Unless you are saying dealers do get kickbacks but only 1% of the time. Why would a dealer have a problem keeping quiet about a hidden incentive that they receive?
I just noticed that the Oregon rebate on the 2017 Prime is now up to $3,000, good through July 9th. OP is in northern California.
Ugh, sometimes I really hate the internet. No, dealers do not get hidden kickbacks . secondly - Are you seriously telling me you believe that a dealership will/does/can keep quite a out a hidden incentive. if there was such a thing. Not trying to be rude, but it's darn sure going to come out that way, but that question/statement is beyond laughable. Look it's simple. People get different or "better" deals because of perceived value of their trade, Financing, aftermarket warranties, paint protection etc. Your credit may be crap, mine may be fantastic. Who gets a better deal based on that alone? Well maybe you if your trade is valued more. No two deals are alike. Similar yes, but it's in the way they are structured. People are also idiots - lets admit it. There are people out there that could be sold rusty steak knives and feel they got a deal of the century on them. Later they find out they were an idiot and blame everyone but themselves.