In the manual section "meter customize" options, Under Speed Limit it lists 1) Off 2) Only Display 3) Caution Does anyone know what they mean by "Caution"? Also is there a way to keep the posted speed limit post visible all the time while still seeing miles and time on the navigation screen? Thanks.
I fiddled with them. As far as I can tell, none of them do anything. I get the HUD popup no matter what the setting. I submitted it as a bug.
The speed limit settings control the speed limit sign on the compass display. I believe speed limit needs to be enabled in the navigation system options first. See the attached picture. Off removes the sign. Only display shows the sign. Caution displays the orange border when driving faster than the limit. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
You can disable speed limit on the HUD pop up by turning speed limit off completely in the navigation system options. I'm beta testing an upcoming version of the Carista OBD2 customization app that allows you to disable speed limit pop ups on the HUD only without disabling it on the nav system. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Thanks for replying after more than a year. Now I understand what caution does. My problem was that I never you the "compass screen" so didn't notice the orange border. Too bad it doesn't show up on a screen I use or the large display.
Haha, yeah I found this old thread while searching to figure this out myself. The manual is misleading. I figured I'd post the correct answer to help others searching for the same thing.
Also keep in mind that the speed limit signs are what's in the mapping of the nav system. If the mapping is out of date or incorrect, you'll be shown an incorrect speed limit.