I'm looking at maybe buying an 07 prius with a dead hybrid battery and was wondering if it would be worth it? They're asking 2500 for it, but I think I can negotiate to be a bit cheaper considering that it's also at 171,000 miles though everything else looks to be in pretty good condition on the car. If it is I was curious if y'all had any recs for places to get a good inexpensive replacement battery in the Ann Arbor/Detroit area. Thanks!
welcome! how can you tell what all is wrong with the car without a working hybrid battery? if you buy it, will you put in a new or rebuilt battery? you can start a conversation with member eric becky, our local expert in madison, wi. he might know someone closer. all the best!
Unless you know how to do DIY repairs, I'd recommend you not buy this car. It'll require a minimum new battery at $2000+ and more money if other problems present itself
I've bought priuses with good batteries for $500. For over 2 grand everything needs to be working. You'll spend more than what you paid for the car to get it running.