So I recently got my very first car, the 2008 Toyota Prius. I noticed this morning ( I live in Iowa ) that i saw this condensation on my headlamp. Is this something to worry about ? Or is it normal due to random temperature changes ?
It's not suppose to have moisture inside the light housing. The very shiny reflective surface will eventually be damaged by the moisture. You should try to dry it out. Check the rubber dust boot for deterioration replace if needed, repair any cracks along seams as well as penetrating cracks.
Thank you, I'm going to look at O ring seal around the light bulb housing first to see if it's something easy to fix.
While that is true and a careful inspection would be is not an unusual condition across a lot of different cars. You can sometimes get rid of it (temporarily) by leaving the car sit out in the direct sun while facing south or southwest for a day or two. Driving with the low beams ON for a few hours might help too. Then if it comes back you can investigate further.
How many miles on your 2008? Be aware alot of G2's are bad engine oil eaters. It requires vigilant and routine checking of the engine oil dipstick preferably first thing in the AM before starting the car. Keep the oil at the full line. If you are not aware of your car's bad habits and you run the engine so low on oil a check engine light comes on usually that's too late and engine damage occurs. Hundreds of posts about that on this site. Its very easy to make sure that doesn't happen.
139k close to 140k. Checked all oil levels and etc. Everything looks great, the oil is near brand new ( not burnt and such )
Someone mentioned drilling a small hole, on a back corner of the headlight somewhere, inside the engine bay, and the moisture cleared up. Maybe NOT at the very low point, water on the outside might wick in. It's just to allow the trapped moisture to vent.
Also if you pilot hole it, you can always place tape, caulking or the like over the hole to prevent that hole from being the leak source. But if you don’t find the cause, the moisture will recur, leading to the same activity again. But a vent hole would help evacuate what’s in there.
You guys are the best ! I've forgotten to mention this happened ( or noticed ) after I got my car washed. It has now gone away. So hopefully this isn't part of a huge issue ? If you still think it's something to worry about please let me know ( of course I'll keep an eye on it )
See my post above. While I wouldn’t worry about it, I’d still try to figure out where the seal is compromised . Good luck and keep us posted .