I bought a 4 without factory fogs a few weeks ago and found this kit for sale on ebay from Toyota of Tampa Bay. 2018 Prius Accesory Led Foglight Kit Southeast Toyota 00016-12189 | eBay They are not OEM but "OEM Quality" from Auer Automotive Toyota OEM Fog Light Kits http://auerautomotive.com/images/pdf/TPR-817-2017-Prius-LED-Fog-Light-Kit.pdf The quality seems good, the install instructions are great (27 pages!) Ill hopefully get them thrown in this weekend and throw up some pics. Im not saying they are better/worse than any other option just giving out information. Im hoping to figure out how to wire these so they will stay on with parking lights AND as DRL's like my gen 3 would do, these will come on/off with low beams and act as DRL's if I read the instructions correct.
I think you'll find that wiring them like that will be 1) illegal; and 2) useless in fog; and 3) be an annoyance to oncoming traffic.
Ive seen others reference “illegal” wiring and that has to be among the most ignorant comments I’ve come across on the Internet. While individual states have specific laws on lighting and forward facing lights, these reference brightness, color, number, height, ect. But hey I got married all the way back in 2005 and it was still state law that you could beat you spouse on the court house steps on sundays between noon and 5pm. Luckily I’ve been ASE certified for many years and also a licensed A&P so it takes more than Internet trolls to scare me and I know crap wiring when I see it. Next when it comes to the angle of the light these are adjustable in all 4 axis with worm screws that have tension held with springs much like you would find in any OE light adjustment, I was actually surprised at that myself I figured they would be fixed. As for doing anything in fog that was never my goal, it’s so hopefully the majority of drivers who spend more and more time with the tops of their heads pointed out the windshields instead of THEIR EYES might notice my car when they occasionally look up from their phones in low light situations. I’ll grab pics this weekend for those who might be looking for another option aside from what else is on eBay, since the 1 pic offered isn’t much help. Jay
I fail to understand why people think they need to have fog lights on ALL the time. It's very irritating...
As if there aren't enough PRIUS HATERS out there - for no legitimate reason, we certainly don't need to give them a real reason.
Well my guess would be there’s a lot of hate on the owners because they seem to be arrogant, misinformed, make blanket stantments and don’t listen/read. They make wildly false claims like adding fog lights are “illegal” and then don’t bother to actually read a response where it clearly says “IN LOW LIGHT CONDITIONS” as the time of intended use. But hey keep using that scary bold font and only reading the first line of a thread, it makes the forum so inviting.
Maybe regulations where you are are different - but here, what the original poster [Drhyed] mentioned would be illegal on all 3 grounds. The original poster said "... stay on with parking lights AND as DRL's like my gen 3 would do, these will come on/off with low beams and act as DRL's if I read the instructions correct ...". The original poster never mentioned about "low light conditions" - and if he/she had, it would still be illegal here. Low beam is for low light conditions. My concern is that, using excessively bright lights is both unnecessary, but unsafe as it blinds other drivers.
In Pennsylvania, USA, the use of fog lamps without low beams is illegal unless it is raining or foggy. I can cite the vehicle code if I must.
@Drhyed, thanks for your links! Those awesome and detailed instructions to impart a level of confidence that some of the other aftermarkets don't regarding the quality of the lights. Did you get them installed yet, and if so, did you wire them according to the instructions, or to meet your initial plans? These lights include only the fog lights, whereas the OEM and other aftermarket lights include the LEDs below the fogs that operate as DRLs (and possibly turn signals too). They are also ensconced in a glass/plastic protective cover. Do you think you will be satisfied with the reduced functionality? Can you post pictures of the finished installation? Thanks!
First, I want to remind everyone that here at Priuschat, we have seen many people perform many modifications to their vehicles. Most times, there's someone who insists "that's illegal / you'll get thrown in jail / you're going to ruin your car" For the most part, everyone here is a mature adult who paid their own money for their vehicle, purchased their own modification, and have to take responsibility for their own actions. If you feel the need to voice your concerns, do it and then walk away. Secondly, Drhyde/Drhyde42: pick an account and stick with it.
received my set of fogs from Tampa Bay Toyota. hoping to install tomorrow, if i have time. doesn't look like the OP is still active on this forum. he was last seen 31 weeks ago on this forum. here are some pics of the kit received: