Hello~ I'm totally new here. I have a 2014 Prius over 55K miles. AC is not getting cool. I opened the L cap and pressed with a pin and strong hiss came out so I guess the freon is still enough. What else can I do to check if any leak, or compressor issue? Trying to save $150 by taking it to mechanic. Thanks
Welcome to Prius Chat . Some questions: Did you look for turbulence in the sight glass? Have you tried blasting the AC on low then seeing what the flow in the sight glass looks like? Are there any dash lights on? Have you checked the cabin air filter to ensure it’s clear? Keep us posted .
The AC won't be very cold if you let the refrigerant out. Make sure you don't use the ECO setting, that will limit the AC output
Check if cabin air filter is all gunked up with leaves and dirt. You don't want to have it all clogged like mine posted in the other topic.
Yeah check sight glass, as opposed to releasing gas lol. If you're seeing lots of bubbles, I would go the dealership route, should be around $150. Take it or leave it: Its environmentally irresponsible to DIY the AC system, and a mistake or oversight could cost you big bucks.
There is another remote possibility: It might be a failing AC amplifier. On some models, you would see an "E" where the outside temp is displayed if it has failed.
Thanks everyone. Checked sight glass while AC on low and yes it's bubbly. Cabin air filter is pretty new. No check lights. So I guess I should just take it to mechanic to be safe?
The lack of refrigerant in the air-conditioning system can be unsealed somewhere on the pipes or cooler, or the compressor itself, or the simpler one is a fuse or relay
Yes, if there is a leak in the system, you'd be better off having a dealer figure it out with florescent dye and a black light.
In all my days working on cars, I have never seen refrigerant escaping through a fuse or relay. (Ok, if you work around people who call a rupture disc a kind of a fuse, I guess I have heard of refrigerant departing through one of those!) -Chap
I'm sorry, but the translator translated it to me. It was to me that the gas could escape through pipes or a cooler. The air conditioning fuse is also worth checking if it is not damaged.
Either the dealer or a shop. Just so they know hybrid air conditioning systems. Just because it has freon (the hiss you heard) is no indication that it has the right amount. You'll need someone who can locate the leak and fix it. That takes the right tools and training. It can cost anywhere from $200-$1,600 depending on what's wrong. Hopefully, it's just a really slow leak that can be recharged.