Recently we've been hearing strange noise when we hit a bump or drive on uneven road, as if something is loose inside the car. It's not the spare tire, as I've tightened everything in the trunk. I came across a video with similar symptoms where the Accord's broken engine mount was caused such noise. So I popped open the hood and notice when the gas engine runs, it vibrates like hell. Video here: Is this normal or a sign of a broken engine mount? What else could be causing the noise? The suspension creeks a little when I push the car down but it doesn't sound like the loose noise.
Engine mount was fine. Swaybar arm and bushing was broken and caused the noise. Replacing it at dealer costed me $400, inspection included.
Glad u found out what it was, first thing i was thinking was blocked off EGR valve, that makes the engine vibrate so bad at low RPM`s u think all ur tires will fall off when u drive on the road.