Now that it is cold again has anyone noticed suspension squeaks in there C? Seems like I have one that is on the left side of the car when I leave early morning. It seems to subside as the outdoor temperature climbs.
Sounds like the rubber on one of your suspension components is starting to breakdown. I am pretty sure there are products that will bring rubber back to an extent. But once it starts to breakdown it will just continue even with treatment. Think about tires with dry rot cracking, it is kind of like that, the rubber becomes harder and then becomes brittle. When it gets colder you can have someone compress the suspension and listen for which component is squeaking. Turn the wheel so you can see the suspension then have your helper push the fender down and allow it to spring back up. It will take a few times to determine which component is squeaking. In the past I have used soapy water (dawn dish soap 1:10 water, give or take you want the soap to dissolve without being overly frothy but you want it to be soapy water) in a squirt bottle and soak the rubber. It is temporary and works well for squeaky serpentine belts too. Others may have some others suggested methods to prolong the life of rubber.
Well, I am kind of ticked off that this would happen to a 2012. I will try to isolate the source, sometimes it sounds like the front left and other times the rear left.
Same issue, 2012 C4, front left squeaks. I have an decline ramp out of the neighborhood, and it always squeaks. More so in the colder weather, never did before in the warmer temp. I'm due for 70k service, so I'll have Toyota look at in about a week or so.
I will be very interested to hear what they find. It was in the upper 20s this AM and I heard the noise once again.
This is pretty common as a suspension wears. It happened on my previous car. I let it go because I was broke... eventually my front strut mounts were so worn that they were loose. Wasn't safe, and drove me NUTS! How many miles do you have? If you're anywhere near 60,000, I would save up to have your suspension redone on all 4 corners if you plan to keep the car long-term. Do it early so you get your money's worth...
This is in no way a scientific evaluation or based in fact as I haven't seen it personally, but if it were me, I wouldn't worry too much yet. It'll be very annoying, but not necessarily worth worrying about immediately. If you have a mechanic friend with a lift, have him put it up in the air and wrestle around with your wheels, trying to move them... see if there is any play in the suspension. If not, I'd put up with it a while longer, save up the money for late fall 2016 or even just keep an eye on it until you hit 60,000 miles. But, I would recommend having it at least inspected during your next service.
MinnyPrius, That's what I fear that I will have to replace the suspension. It'll be worth it, but can't afford it at the moment. I'd rather the dealor do it, then some random garage.
Agreed. I will for sure post back with what the deal or finds. I think it's time for new tires as well, or close to, so if I get all that done at the same time, it'll save on the labor a little.I hope.
They found nothing, didn't make that sound again. The tech drove it, I drove with him in it, nothing. Could just be the cold weather for mine. If yours is crunching, should get that looked at. That sounds serious, also, is it consistent? Or occasional?
Today was warmer, and the noise was less intense, but still audible. Colder, and the noise is more pronounced. I have an appointment next week at the dealer.
Did you ever find out what it was? I have had same issue for a while now, when going over pumps I hear this crunching noise from the front suspension. However, mine does it all the time (cold or hot).
I'm beginning to wonder if it's the struts creaking. I also hear it now in the back when I go over large bumps slowly. It didn't creak when I had it at the dealer for some other service. Probably because it was raining and the suspension wet. SM-G900V ?