Still discussing with my father, but they have like 10 2017s on the lot. Even if the color I want is gone, I have a lot to pick from. And next week we will go get it.
Post pictures when you get it. Right now I am at 545 miles after only using 1/8 of a tank! It is an amazing car!
Great choice! I absolutely love the Blue Magnetism. It’s a small kaleidoscope LOL. Depending on the lighting and reflections, it can be blue, greenish blue—to me it’s more like Teal. Other descriptions I’ve heard—turquoise and aqua. I’ve had people tell me, “the color is like Caribbean water—reminds me of Turks and Caicos.” Words of caution—unless you really like the white interior (I don’t), make sure you get the black interior.
The one I’m looking at is the black interior, thankfully. It’s a shame dealers aren’t willing to make better deals on 18s, definitely be more convenient if I could get one in my hometown. But oh well, the 17 is the exact same and I can’t argue 6k+ off the price haha Have you had any issues so far? Someone complained about the paint being easy to chip, and the car being too low (Although it’s only an inch different from the regular Prius) Soooo, it’s like 3k off at the dealership (not sure why doesn’t seem to be a state rebate) and I get $750 because I’m a recent graduate then there’s like almost $2500 listed as “discount” I had to chip away and threaten to walk away and go somewhere else several times to get this price. They will try to sell you a premium. BUT I will say, they have been very nice so far albeit a little slow with certain things.
The dealerships here in Greensboro, NC (including Raleigh) will take nothing off the sticker for a 2018. One local dealership told me, "the only way we do it is you have to order one--and pay a $1000 non refundable deposit, and pay sticker." Nuts! So I drove up to Jim Coleman, got $6200 off the sticker (before the $4500 tax credit), and after I arrived back home, I drove the new Prime through the local dealership's parking lot--honking my horn and waving LOL! I've had zero issues so far. The paint seems awesome--no chipping or anything. One great thing about this color is that it doesn't show dirt--so the car almost always looks clean. I currently have 3100 miles (400 miles driving home from DC to NC), and the car has been perfect. I do not find it too low--I love the front and side visibility--almost like glass all around. And the HUD is super, duper!
It is pretty low... I've bottomed out with it on at least a couple of occasions just driving on regular roads... one local round turns to the right and goes down an incline and it bottoms out there, hence I won't be taking that route often... it's a cut through road I used to take when traffic gets backed up on the one route I normally take.
The $3000 is the Toyota rebate--these rebates are regional--then they gave you $2500 off the sticker, and another $750 for being a recent graduate. You did very well! I have several places where the road quickly inclines and declines--two places that are normally bad where the road meets the bridge, and I've had no issues at all with bottoming out. Never even come close. Might want to check your tire pressure? Mine are at 36 each.....
I don’t know why they’re being so anal on the price. Seems a little ridiculous to me. I wish I could’ve seen their faces when you drove through lol Interesting. I guess I’ll see what I experience, if I bottom out it’ll be on my driveway since I live on a hill Thanks! And yes the HUD is awesome, I honestly didn’t expect to like the car as much as I do. At first I was going to buy a Sonata hybrid Although, I will say if the Honda Clarity was cheaper and had more technology I would have probably gone with that simply for the larger vehicle size
I hear you. Honda is awesome. Over the years I've owned a Honda Accord, Civic, TL, TSX, and TLX. I test drove the Insight many years ago and was not impressed at all--so my first hybrid was a Prius instead. The Clarity might be the one Honda has done right--not sure as I did not test drive or even look. What made my decision easy was the great deal--and I plan to keep it until it dies....
Dealers in NY were not dealing either (and it seemed to be due to the incentivized rebates from NYS was offering through the dealerships. I guess they realized they had purchasers over a rock and a hard place and they would have to take it or leave it.)
You should test drive it just for giggles, it’s pretty nice. The price is too much though for what the car is. Seems to be the MO everywhere. Oh well, when they have 18s on the lot the same way they still have 17s they’ll realize they can’t keep that up.
I don't think it's too much for the price including the $7,500 federal date and most dealers are taking $2000 off sticker. That's less than the cost of an Accord Hybrid which is about the same size. Even though it's not as efficient as hybrid, it has 47 miles of EV range.
Here they won’t budge off sticker price unfortunately. And the $7500 is a “what if” of sorts because you’re not guaranteed the full amount. But I do see what you’re saying