I'm really curious how you can charge your car 10-20min faster than mine. Our L2 EVSE was bought for our Tesla, so it can output 40A at 240V (typically 242V, as displayed on the Model S charge screen) so it's not limited by the input power. Can you elaborate on this charge mode? I don't see it anywhere. Now, there is also the question of whether this is a good thing for the longevity of the battery.
Well, I just did a long trip myself, and the battery indicates 1hr 50 min to full charge. From the "charge current" search results I found here, there is no harm to the battery at max charge. Control location varies by level variant. Ours is on the steering, right side. Others it's left side of dash, maybe. And I saw the large touchscreen model has the menus on the screen.
different area's have different voltages. also, i wonder if the rest of your house is pulling too many electrons at times, charge time might take longer? my big question though, is how it changed from 2h-40m in post #1 to 1h-50m now.
Mine takes 1:55 at 240v. In cold weather it might increase to 2:05 for battery heating to happen first. Though, I have unplugged the thing early, at around 1:40 and have seen 100% charge show up on the screen. My guess is that there is some firmware weirdness going on in those last 15 minutes to assure the 100% happens.
When I've unplugged early (and I noticed like 35.5miles indicated, where 36.3 is totally full), I notice that the car kicks into hybrid mode with a mile or so left on battery range when run to 0.
Could be. Perhaps mine is just taunting me -- faking like it has stuff to do while I wait an additional 15 to 20 minutes.
Check to see if car might have been set to 8A charging rate ... by accident. Source: J1772 repair and JuiceBox weekend | PriusChat Bob Wilson
Are you sure ? I also wondered about an inadvertent switch to 8A and from my reading I thought L2 was also Amp throttled. I should just try it out on my car to be sure.
thanks bob, i wonder if that will allow a dryer, air conditioner or other run at the same time. can you pot a pic at max amps?
I would but I'd also have to provide details about the specific wiring at my house. The best we can do is list the power draw and map it into the circuits: 0.96 kW = 8A * 120VAC 1.44 kW = 12A * 120VAC 1.92 kW = 8A * 240VAC 3.84 kW = 16A * 240VAC Now the type of outlet helps explain the type of circuit and likely circuit breaker. The circuit breaker protects the wire so it won't let the smoke out: NEMA connector - Wikipedia NEMA 1-15 (obsolete) - ground may be tied to neutral in breaker box, 15A, 12A usable (hair on fire) NEMA 5-15 - has a separate ground pin tied to earth ground 15A, 12A usable NEMA 5-20 - has a horizontal stub on the neutral and can provide 20A, 16A usable NEMA 10-30 (obsolete) - two hot, ground may be tied to neutral in breaker box, 30A, 24A usable NEMA 14-50 - two hot, one neutral, and one safety ground 50A, 40A usable Bob Wilson
It's going to be a short sticky: "YAMV." "Go suss out the circuits to each breaker." Huh ?? "Get Help."
I got the impression from the owner's manual that the maximum charger amperage for the Prime was 16 Amps, and you should not hook them up to a charger that is rated higher.