It's time to drain/refill the coolant on my 2010 prius. If I need to order some parts online for maintenance, does anyone know if this Pentosin A4 is the fluid that Toyota buys and rebadges for their OEM coolant? The specs look pretty similar and it's a HOAT coolant. More Information for PENTOSIN 8115209
In a big US city, why not just pick up Toyota coolant, the spec'd stuff, from a dealership? I know, that's not the question.
second this. cost at toyota is about 20 to 30 depending on the dealer. call around to find the best price. IMO not worth the risk, just get toyota stuff.
Third this. It's not like this is a frequent maintenance item so I would pony up for the Toyota coolant..even if it is slightly more expensive. BTW - many dealers sell Toyota coolant via Ebay..and it seems to be fairly reasonably priced.
I found this, maybe it will help.
Here is what I found on amazon. Toyota 50/50 Prediluted Super Long Life Antifreeze (00272-SLLC2) | OEM Part Source
Coolant is one of those strange things, back in the day there was only one color and now every manufacturer has a different flavor and you are suppose to use a particular type or bad things will supposedly happen to your cooling system. I am not a chemical engineer but using some logic, aren't the cars cooling systems all made out of aluminum, rubber and plastics. The only thing I can think different are seal compatibility. Anyone have a logical answer?
While the materials haven’t changed, some of the additives in the coolant have. If those additives are co-mingled, incompatibilities May happen. If the incompatibility leads to congealing, plugging results.
It's not just chauvinism, sticking with the factory coolant is one sure way to ensure coolant compatibility. I'm the same with brake fluid, transaxle fluid, even engine oil, though the latter is overkill.
again you may have a dealer in your area that sells this every day for about $20. When I was out of town for work I called the local dealership where I was at and they had it for 20.99, while my local dealership at home had it for like $31 or $32. You may be shocked at your local dealers price (good or bad)