No 1 hour of charging does not equal 1 kWh. If you're charging on 120V, it's 1.3 kWh per hour. If you're charging at 220V, it's 3 kWh per hour. Like someone said, a full charge on Level 1 is 6.7 kWh and 6.3 kWh on level 2. What is your electricity rate? Use table below to find the cost to charge fully: Electric Rate (cents/kWh) L1 Cost L2 Cost 0.03 $0.20 $0.19 0.04 $0.27 $0.25 0.05 $0.34 $0.32 0.06 $0.40 $0.38 0.07 $0.47 $0.44 0.08 $0.54 $0.50 0.09 $0.60 $0.57 0.10 $0.67 $0.63 0.11 $0.74 $0.69 0.12 $0.80 $0.76 0.14 $0.94 $0.88 0.15 $1.01 $0.95 0.16 $1.07 $1.01 0.17 $1.14 $1.07 0.18 $1.21 $1.13 0.19 $1.27 $1.20 0.20 $1.34 $1.26 0.21 $1.41 $1.32 0.22 $1.47 $1.39 0.23 $1.54 $1.45 0.24 $1.61 $1.51 0.25 $1.68 $1.58 0.26 $1.74 $1.64 0.27 $1.81 $1.70 0.28 $1.88 $1.76 0.29 $1.94 $1.83 0.30 $2.01 $1.89
Charging current is not constant for lion battery. It would be reduced when capacity is over 80%. That’s why manufacturers claims xx minutes to charge to 80%