I'll stop you right there. Why not Honda? the point I'm pushing is base brand, low feature content, high performance. Mmm popcorn, wish I could stick around and contribute more but they are calling my flight. There's always tomorrow right?
Flight delay! Regarding features- yes, there is a lot of lifestyle inflation circulating around. I've got a buddy who teases me for driving cheap old cars. I think he's working up the nerve to tease me about "only" blowing $20k on a new prius. My wife is still a bit distrustful of power locks and windows- her previous car had nothing on it. I loved it- the thing was incredibly cheap to keep. Oil changes for $11. I did a timing belt job for $60, front brakes for $40, rears for $12. She did some crazy coupon deal and got a set of 4 (no-name) new tires bought, mounted & balanced for $88 once. Granted they were gratingly loud and toast within 3 years... but I think people have lost touch with the idea that you don't have to spend much to get safe and useful transportation. That first $20k buys a lot. The second $20k... not so much. I haven't fooled around with a third yet. But I also remember those "decontented" cars that started showing up around 2009 in response to the wall street whoopsie. It could go back again.
Yer time walking And dreaming Don’t wake up, life under this alternate reality presence presently.....sucks.
You can look up the pricing structure and availability projections as well as I can. Don't take my word for it if you wish, just do your own due diligence then. As far as "implied reliability" for Tesla, I made no such claims. You have arrived at "implied reliability" on your own. You have experienced a Tesla? Are you implying that I am not a "reliable source"? My question is, are you a reliable source? I don't doubt what you say is true if we are using CR as a reliable source. Then we would have to believe CR, as a reliable source, when it says that Tesla has the highest customer satisfaction and loyalty (would buy again). Porsche is number 2 and Lexus is number 3 as I recall and Toyota is waaaaay down the list.
1. To leave the earth a better place than I inherited, for my children and grandchildren and generations beyond. I can and have done that by using "free"solar energy to power my personal BEV transportation and energy requirements around my residence via PV roof panels (from Tesla - 100% reliability). But I can and will do more. 2. To resist complacency that government and big business will do what is best for me. 3. To spread truth, justice, and the real American way. And my goals have not changed for more years than you have been born.
Not quite time-walking though I am guilty of not providing all the details- I'm describing the last 4 years of maintaining a Hyundai Accent. I'm referencing parts and materials costs; I do my own work up to a point and farm out big repairs as needed. So far the only things I couldn't do myself were tires and alignment. I don't care if it runs on gas or grid or the grace of a sunny day- if I'm going to depend on it I want to know how to maintain and repair it myself even when I hire someone else for timing or regulatory reasons. It's not a wonderful car at all- it has the distinction of being the last car model sold in the USA with an MSRP under $10k, and that happened before this particular one was built. And it shows. I look at the Accent as the modern reinterpretation of the VW beetle- and I liked those. Now, there are other reasons why I'm just trying to keep my chin up and stay positive, but that's a different thread.
Mentioning the way you live your life is doesn't actually answer the question. The reason for asking is quite sensible too. Defining a clear purpose ends rhetoric. Again, what are your goals for what you posted here?
Looks like Tesla's epitaph has already been written according to some. Let's just close this subforum since Toyota's got it all figured out.
This has been an exercise for learning about customers. Remember how GM didn't target their own with Volt? Who is Tesla targeting after the initial 400,000 order requests are filled?
c'mon now .... (funny, but to the point of john's question) - Tesla has already targeted their next audience. The model y reveal date has recently been published (small SUT). So that's one market. The semi will be in production in the not-too-distant future (100's of pre-orders requiring $20k cash down) , & that's another target audience .... & there's other markets after that but I can't remember them. These people seem to think so far ahead, I couldn't help but laugh when I saw this cartoon, spoofing all of their production Notions; Now THAT's funny .
If the feature content is the same, it is a fair comparison. Forcing comparisons of trims without considering actual content will result in the repeat of early Prius to Corolla comparisons. We could use the 330e and A3 Sportback e-tron, but honestly, between their higher price and the fact neither manufacturer posts the cars' EV range on their websites, the Tesla will come out looking even better. Let's not ignore the large price reductions we've already seen between generations. Through the MITI LEV program, the Japanese government was giving a direct subsidy to car manufacturers for hybrid and plug in cars sold. The amount was half the price difference between the car and a comparable ICE one. The program was in place in 1997 when the first Prius came out in Japan, and the Echo was the ICE comparison. Without these incentives and other supports from the Japanese government, Toyota may not have developed the Prius. In the US, there was a tax deduction from 2003 to 2005 for hybrids.
Spinning the claim of "incentives" is not appreciated. That has nothing to do with the comments about the consumer purchase behavior. It's a red herring. That's exactly what I mean by greenwash. Attempting to portray a deduction as if it is anywhere near the same thing as a credit is blatant misleading.
One thing I remember back then, many Steelerships took advantage of incentives & jacked the price up all the more.
Ever heard of a website similar to Consumer Reports called truedelta? I'm on there. Tesla model S and X is rock bottom rank in reliability scores with Fiat. You get to see all reported repairs of all Auto makes and models of each year. Some people have even provided invoice information on cost of the repairs. Many of the information is available for free to see without registering for a limited number of times. Unlike CR, you have to pay a subscription.
It's their bonus unless you negotiate to make it your discount, every time. I've recently seen home PV installation bids $7k-10k more than they ought to be...
I believe the guy who runs truedelta is a member here on Prius Chat. TrueDelta Vehicle Reliability Survey results - Toyota Prius | PriusChat
So TrueDelta is a 'for profit' site, run by one guy, with no transparency for criteria, and with apparent bias for Toyota. He uses statistics based on anecdotal "evidence" on public websites from disgruntled unverified "owners" with an ax to grind. Now that's a site I can trust!