Question: Have you ever been ICED'd? What did you do about it? We usually suggest to the station owners that they update their signage to clearly state "EV Charging Only," stenciling it on the spot, and painting the bordering lines green to help give a clear visual clue that this space is special. Whether you're driving a Prius or another EV, what do you do when a charging space is being used by a gasoline car? Share your suggestions below if you've got them! For lurking newbs: ICE'd is when an Internal-Combustion Engine car parks in spaces reserved for plug-in EV's.
Has anyone ever used printables like these? You print them out, keep a few with you, and leave them on windshields as needed. source
i don't charge there, but the local whole foods often has non plug ins in the spaces. it would be nice if the owners did something about it, but i don't think anyone wants to get involved, it's above there pay grade.
Beware the agrieved, short tempered ICE driver who has just been caught using a parking slot. Chances are he's bigger, grumpier and more aggressive than you. Who'd chance it? Not me, I'd be a devout coward in situations like that.