This AM my 2017 Prime Advanced showed “Mandatory Update” on the bottom half of the display. I was driving and didn’t have time to study the message, but tapped OK. The display counted up to 100% and and prompted me to install/accept or something similar. Hoping to update or add some marvelous feature, I accepted the update. Everything seems to be working as it was before my mindless acceptance, but I don’t know what I may have done to my baby. I thing this is an update of etune, but I’m not certain. Is there anyway for me to find out what has been updated and the nature of the update(s). Perhaps my prime is now invisible to radar speed detectors, can travel at speed of light, or has experienced a 10x increase in EV battery capacity.
Got my update installed. So far I don't notice anything different. Still the same horrendously bad nearly unusable system. It took three attempts with three different Android phones before I could get a successful install. Toyota, please update this to allow Android Auto or Apple Carplay. I don't even own an Apple phone but would buy one just to avoid the Toyota Navigation system.
Mine installed without any difficulty. I wish Toyota will send a message describing the update. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Is this only for Advanced trim? I have never seen such notice on my Premium trim Prime. Then again, I don't use Entune app, so maybe that's why I don't see them.
Kinda nuts that this is sprung on you while you're driving? I really don't like these interactive touch-screens they're foisting on owners, glad I'm back in the semi-stone-age.
I'm guessing that's rhetorical, but couldn't there be some logic that the prompt would only pop up when the car's (say) in park. It's seems tantamount to texting while driving, that this'll pop up at any time.
I guess Toyota consider it is safe to press just once to answer the question while driving. Just like you press the Temperature Up or Down button while driving. Besides, that question was asked when you just power on your car, you might not have start moving the car yet.
Oh, really? Thanks for the info. I guess, it's only for those who have Entune app set up. I never even bothered with the app, so I have not seen any of update notice on my car for the last 10 months I've been driving.
I got this message yesterday morning when i took my mom out to breakfast. Now the software can support my amazon prime flux capacitor im waiting on. I already got the 1.21 gigawatt battery in the back.
I installed it when I first got the car but have never used them. Honestly, having apps like yelp or opentable in your car is really useless lol
That's what I thought. Advanced trim has its own cellular connection, but Premium doesn't. So if I don't have Entune installed, my car should be isolated from the outside world (i.e. internet world). I think you only get those messages if your phone is connected to internet and linked to Entune app in the car.
It worked first time first try today. But I was driving, so I really have no way of knowing what it actually did. Release notes ?
Can I ask a stupid question? Actually a few stupid questions? So this update would bring the audio software and entune software up to the latest version? But it's not an update to anything else, such as the actual firmware for the head unit? Which makes me wonder just what the "audio software " is. And to get this update on my premium, I would need to install the entune app package on my cellphone and then link this to the car? Thanks!