Music, especially orchestral music, sounds electronic through the FM radio of my Three. I listen to WFMT, which I believe has a clean signal. In general, the sound I get from the sound system is much more electronic than I got from my previous car, a 2008 Elantra with the base sound system. What's the usual evaluation of the Prius sound system? Does mine have a problem, or is it just not very good? Thanks.
Have you fiddled with the sound settings (bass/treble/fade/balance) to see if it will improve? How does it go with a quality CD, or an MP3 on a USB stick
not very good. time to read up on better systems, there may be a progression of speakers, amp, h/u, not necessarily in that order.
On my past Prius and now on my ‘17 Prime I have likes the stereo best when I adjust the Automatic sound levelizer (ASL) all the way to high. It provides a much richer sound no matter where I have the base and treble etc set. It is a speed sensitive adjustment I believe. Otherwise the stereo is kind of flat and lacking depth.
Thanks for the tip, just yesterday I was thinking mine sounded flat just as you mentioned. Im also having an issue that music sounds alright (I listen to EDM and 80's 90's 00's and todays Top 40 so its a mix lol) and also some sports radio and when radio talkers have heated discussions there voices will make it seem like the bass is to high or is overwhelming the speaker but I dont have the issue with music at all... very frustrating
I made this adjustment and it does seem to improve the sound (or maybe just louder?). Thanks for the tip! Most if not all radio stations (Public Radio mostly excluded) use heavy compression and EQ the bass on the mics, Makes for a more manly sounding man.
NPR could use some more manly sounding men for sure. I find the speakers and sound system in my 2017/2 to be tinny and just figured it was an area to cut cost to meet a price point. No feel of power to the system. I would like to upgrade the system if it is practical.