WANTED - more recent navigation DVD for my daughter's 2006 toyota prius - it has the factory disc in it and it's quite old and lots of streets are missing. Really would like something 2014 or newer. Thanks!
You're looking for an 86271-GEN5E or 86271-GEN5W disc. Probably the W one if you're in Kansas City. (As I understand it, both discs have street maps covering the whole country, but each disc has more point-of-interest info for east or west of the Mississippi, respectively.) I don't think they ever released a new one last fall, so the -16 would seem to be the latest you'll ever be able to get. (This frosts me some. They kept selling the car through 2009; it doesn't seem unreasonable to expect map discs to ten years from then.) -Chap
Yeah - forgot to put that in there - West version. She'll be heading off to college in the fall and having an up to date map in the car so she doesn't have to rely on the phone to navigate would be nice. I see a TON of those discs on eBay or Amazon cheap and I'm pretty sure they are copies, but they all say that they don't work with the Prius although the factory disc says it works with the prius - just need to make sure the disc I get will read in the DVD drive...