We are having a major heat wave, temps. in upper 90's. We are going to be out of the country on vacation for 2 weeks. Will that cause a major problem for the battery of my priius?
Those who have the SKS (smart key system) can eliminate the small drain caused by this when the car is stored. The button labeled 'key' under the steering wheel will inactivate this system so that the system isn't always listening for the signals from your smart keys while you're away. Details are in the owner's manual. The owner's manual also describes how to maintain the batteries for long term storage. I wouldn't worry too much about temperatures in the 90's. Phoenix summers haven't killed off all the Prius batteries. The summers there routinely bring highs around 110. That's in the shade. Cars left unprotected in the Phoenix Sun will oftend find dashboards, door trim, and other plastics destroyed over time. I can't list all the things we've accidentally melted by leaving them in a car there.