5 quart jug M1 at Wally for $22.88 5-30 & 10-30. I usually use Redline but for this price I can go M1 for a while. I use 10-30 down here in Fla. With the OEM filter that's $20 for an oil change + labor.
Your best price is to get the Mobil 1 rebate for $15 off a 5 quart purchase, at select retailers. Home Depot sells this stuff now and they'll match wally's price plus you get the $15 rebate (limit 2)
I asked my mechanic about using Redline and for the application he said it wouldn't be the optimal oil. It's designed for really hard and fast hitting engines, not a Prius being driven hard. That's when I went with Amsoil but now Walmart has Mobil 1 for under $25 for 5 qts jug so I switched to 0-20 Mobil 1 for best fuel economy...I forget the name but they make like 3 variations on the 020W
[QUOTE="Walmart has Mobil 1 for under $25 for 5 qts jug so I switched to 0-20 Mobil 1 for best fuel economy...I forget the name but they make like 3 variations on the 020W[/QUOTE] . . $22.88 plus tax seems to be the regular price now. I think this is the right flavor for the Prius: Mobil 1 0W-20 Advanced Fuel Economy Full Synthetic Motor Oil, 5 qt.
That works out to $6.19 Canadian, per liter. IIRC pretty much to the penny that's what our local dealership is selling bottled liters of Toyota 0W20 for. I'm getting bulk, the same stuff. It was $4.50 (Can) per liter, but the last time I was in it ticked up to $5.60. Still cheap as dirt, and I'm kinda wondering if the price will drop back to $4.50 next time, will see. Also, with bulk: no empty bottles in the recycle stream, or straight to landfill.
Btw the Prius g2 engine is a very hard hitting engine. It uses solid lifters. That’s why it has so much top end noise. Redline is the only oil I have used that substantially quiets the engine down. It has a real good zddp package. I use it in my Crown Vic too because I’m the one that makes it a hard hitting engine. I pummel that car.
. . $22.88 plus tax seems to be the regular price now. I think this is the right flavor for the Prius: Mobil 1 0W-20 Advanced Fuel Economy Full Synthetic Motor Oil, 5 qt.[/QUOTE] Yes, that's the one! What a deal!