2012 Prius V Wagon Everything was fine yesterday. Did an oil change and topped off with coolant on the passenger/driver side. Passenger side was a bit over filled, ran air compressor and rag and blew some out. My AC is not cold, nor do i hear the AC compressor turning over. BEER MONEY for anyone that can help me resolve this issue. I live in AZ and its HOT!!
Check, disconnect, inspect, clean and dry electrical connections at the compressor. Degreaser can serve as an insulator.
Prius v 2013, after motor change, a/c blows warm. Refrigerant is there (hiss at L valve). Compressor is silent. When I pull out the cabin 10A fuse, fans start blow at max speed. Big fuse inside inverter is ok, but voltage at its rear end is zero. Normally it should be 120V, like on picture2 (photo is taken from similar car with working a/c) Where to look? IMG_5226 by Qwer posted May 15, 2018 at 3:17 PM IMG_5227 by Qwer posted May 15, 2018 at 3:17 PM[/GALLERY