The car is giving my 'D's for the end-of-trip driving scores because the climate control score is always 1 bar. I have the AC off and I'm on a standard vent setting. I have the temperature set all the way down but of course this is fine efficiency-wise because its just the fan blowing. The manual says when the AC is off the climate score is disabled. The only way to get more bars is to turn the temperature (heat) up and cook myself. How do I fix this?!
Either don't worry about the climate score, or raise the temperature and run it in AUTO mode. In AUTO mode, the climate control has much finer control over the fan speed and electricity consumption compared to manual mode (or whatever you're using). I suspect your low temperature setting is also triggering the low climate score but I don't know for sure.
I would agree the low temperature setting kills your score. The further the set temperature is away from the actual temperature, the harder the climate control (anything that's still left on automatic mode) will try to get to that temperature, at the expense of being economical. This could be running the fan harder, running the aircon harder, taking heat away from the engine (which means it may have to start up more often to maintain an optimal temperature), and so on. I think one thing that isn't appreciated often enough, is that modern climate control can be very clever. It knows that when the cabin is super hot the best way to cool it is to make as much airflow as possible towards the roof of the car (where the hot air has risen to). It knows that as it cools down a bit, it's better to aim the vents at your face/chest and slow the fan down to a comfortable level and take advantage of your perspiration. It knows the humidity in the car and the temperature to so knows how effective your own body's cooling will be and hence when to do this. It knows that as the cabin temperature gets very close to the target temperature it can really back off on the fan. It knows when the aircon is on it's better to use recirculate so it only has to cool the air in the cabin and not the outside air continuously, assuming it's vented the super-hot air already of course. It knows when it's humid and cold that it'll want to give more air to the glass to prevent steaming up, etc. It knows how much electricity the aircon uses, and it knows the state of the battery and engine. If the battery is full and the engine needs to run for whatever reason then why not use that spare electricity to run the aircon? It'll do all that. If you set the target temperature to something different than what you actually want it to be, then it screws up all that smart stuff. You're not only making yourself suffer more, but you're preventing the car being as economical as it could. There are other effects too, although perhaps more applicable to colder climates... The air into the cabin also passes through the vent on corner of the rear seats and into the traction battery compartment. Essentially, cabin temperature and air flow have an impact on the battery temperature. The optimal temperature of the batteries will depend on whether you're using NiMH or LiIon, but in general they can accept the most charge and deliver the most output when warmer. In fact, it's quite difficult to charge these types of batteries as they fall below 10C/50F, and their maximum output takes a huge hit.
I wouldn't worry about the score if that's the case. I can't say that I've taken much notice of it after my first month or so Prius driving. I use A/C most of the time except winter (like I turned it off part of today) - the more severe the heat, the worse the score - but it doesn't make a huge difference.
So that's just the way it is? Kind of annoying, I guess because I just got the car. When the AC is off it should not even give a climate score or maybe take a bar for high fan speeds since the fan doesn't consume much energy. This is basically a bug right? I'll try the auto mode. On a different note, is there a way to disable the end-of-drive scores? My wife says it is getting in the way of her and the car "bonding" especially since it always gives her failing scores.
Don't think you can disable it. Just give yourself a PERFECT SCORE for climate when you don't use A/C.
I have mine set to Auto 21oC (with A/C) using the Eco setting on the CC (not the drive mode) and I always get highest score. In our climate I find 21oC to be perfect for me, warm enough when its cold and cool enough when its hot.
In college I took a class entitled "The Poetry of Contemporary Music." For my end-of-course project I wrote a song, the last line of which was, "A good D's all I need to be in that graduation line; so here I come!" So about your "low" score? I say celebrate! Enjoy the ride. Sent using Hello Moto
I have mine set exactly the same here and the nearer to ambient temperature you set it the better the score. FWIW, Gen 4, if you turn the climate control off altogether then you get full marks as well.
There is a setting to disable the climate score. Been so long can't remember how but it's there somewhere. Don't like my comfort level requirements being graded.
Thanks for the moral support guys, I've succeeded in ignoring the end-of-trip score. Otherwise this car is incredible, a huge step up from my 2008 Prius. I actually got 92.2 mpg driving 25 miles to the airport. Yes it was kind of downhill, following the river, but I'm still in shock. The car has such low rolling resistance it's like riding a luge sled.
Hmm, I like 20.5°C but wife prefers sub-15°C. We use those settings at the risk of thunderstorms inside the car!!! Analytically, I'd say that was. "On the sunny side of the wheel." Grab your coat and get your hat Leave your worries on the doorstep Just direct your feet To the sunny side of the street. ©