Yup, applied to them six months ago, turns out you need to fill out their application the old fashioned way, snail mail and paper. When I finally got the quote ( by email, not snail mail) it was double what I'm paying AAA, so, no thank you. Not worth the hassle of filling out their paperwork.
If you are old enough, AARP uses The Hartford for auto insurance. If you get a quote online you get an additional discount even if you complete by phone. A few years age I moved from Nationwide. My new premium for a year was a little higher than I had been paying for 6 months.
My husband is much older than me, so I did try AARP! I didn't know if I could, but I tried it. (FWIW, I'm not a trophy wife, I was a lawyer when we met and he was a teacher). Anyway, they wanted as much as Geico for no coverage! With Geico, it was full comprehensive and collision with 100/300 and with AARP, they wanted the same 3k for the two cars but with liability only!! We both have perfect credit, don't get tickets, etc. Weird. I'm leaning towards registering and insuring the car in PA and keeping our half a million mile '07 in NY. This is supposed to be my new commuter car, but I don't think I will switch it to NY until I absolutely can't drive the '07 anymore. A $1500+/yr difference is huge.
The city of residence also makes a big price difference due to risk. If I lived 30 miles any direction from where I am, my insurance would be 1/2 the price.
Wow! I was floored too when I received my new auto insurance quote from Farmers. Excellent FICO score, no accidents or tickets in 25 years, home owners insurance covered by Farmers too and my full coverage is $944 for 6-months. Wasn't sure if I should shop around but after reading all your posts I guess I'll stay where I'm at. Adjusting my retirement budget!
In NJ I am also paying $895 per 6 months with Geico. I shopped around and Geico was still the better option. I had a fender bender with a previous car, which was about 3 years ago. Liberty Mutual told me that my insurance is about $300 higher, because of that fender bender, which is still considered an at-fault accident and is on my public record, which is visible to all insurance companies. They told me after 5 years, this ticket will go away and rate will come down.
I'm paying about $1100 for 6 months now. It went up about $100 when I got my Prime. A few years back it was only $600. I think insurance rates have just gone up all over, probably to cover all of the ridiculous losses insurance companies have suffered the past few years. Floods, hurricanes, hail storms, fires. Of course, they dump the costs onto consumers, right?
It's all about one's record and one's location. Shop around. Phone them all. You'll be surprised at the range of prices. No one else can offer a valid suggestion unless they live in the same town.
If you qualify for USAA, they will probably give you the best rates, and for sure the best service. To qualify, you need a nexus to military—either by you being a service member, or one of your parents, or your spouse, or spouses parents.
Went I bought my Prime, I was with Geico. With 4 vehicles on my policy, my rate really shot up with the Prime. So I said good bye to Geico and went with Liberty Mutual. Saved me about $800/yr.
We’ve got Hartford by AARP. When we removed our 2015 Prius and added our 2017 Prime advanced (with same exact coverages and deductibles) our rate went up a whopping $6/year. This is with 3 cars full coverage and one with liability (lowest legal limit, it is a 96 jeep zj after all, parts are dime a dozen.) iPad ?
I have the same insurance, but Travelers is less expensive, at least for me with a 2000 Tundra, 2008 Corolla and 2017 Prius Liftback with 2 drivers.
Are there insurance company other than GEICO who gives instant quote on-line without ever contacting an agent? I switched to GEICO 4 years ago and have been delighted with their price and service. Everything can be done on-line 24/7, and that works for me.
Travelers & The Hartford have online systems, I believe. The Hartford even gives a recurring discount because you applied online.
Thanks. I will check them out. I'm happy with GEICO for now, but it doesn't hurt to check other carriers for comparison. I just hate the system in which you have to give away name and telephone number (or e-mail) and someone keep calling (sending e-mail to) me.