Hi Gang, 2012 Prius Here with about 95K miles. Dealership (Southern Cali) said my rear disk brakes are at 4mm and my fronts are at 6mm. Recommending a rear disk replacement at $250. Crazy money or normal for dealer? Second, also recommending a Air Filter Replacement ($30) and HEPA Filter Replacement ($59). If I'm reasonably handy I imagine I can swap these out for much cheaper. Do you recommend OEM parts or is there a forum favorite alternative? Thanks all for your knowledgeable advice!
the price doesn't sound awful, depending on what they are replacing. but it doesn't sound like you're down to minimum thickness yet. there is no forum favorite, i like the oem charcoal cabin filter. where does a hepa filter go?
That’s Normal dealership price, it’s usually 300$ for brakes. You can easily do it yourself with our video, make sure to disconnect the battery before doing brake job. 2mm is the min. Thickness for brake pads. Make sure to lube all your brake hardware as well. For engine air filter, it’s a simple job, also video is on our YouTube. I usually do oem and it’s changed out every 30k miles. Cabin air filter is changed out every 15k miles.
Yeah, with the Youtube vids, I should be able to do the engine air filter and cabin filter. Thanks for letting me know the minimum on brakes is 2mm.
Just to confirm: he wants to change rear disk, did I get that right? Any reason given, say worn to minimum thickness, or excessive scoring?
You can cut the rotors if there is enough thickness and if it’s cheaper compare to replacing the rotors as a whole. Always change pads and rotors if you’re doing the job.
Yes this is the rear brakes -- is it normal for rear brakes to wear faster than the front on Prius? The dealer paperwork says "Meaure rear brake lining thickness... observation: 4mm (disk brakes)
Yes but, is he proposing to change the pads or the disk? From your initial discription you seem to be saying he wants to replace disk. I suspect I'm misreading now? FWIW, rear pads are about $100 at parts department. I replaced mine, due to messing up the caliper piston orientation (myself). $250 seems a little steep, if that's what they're doing. And a bit premature, if rear pads are fine and 4 mm remaining. Technically, per Repair Manual, service limit is one mm, but personally I would be getting nervous around 4 mm, and certainly would replace them by 2 mm, as mentioned by @NutzAboutBolts
Which air filter though? Cabin filter OEM is fine, you can get them on amazon or ebay around $20 f/s. And if you have 3 minutes, you can do it yourself and save "labor" cost. My prius cabin air filter is K&N washable, oil is best at trapping non sticky particles with solar panel running, trade off is smell.