Like I said I plan on getting it replaced when my husband lost his job. We have been waiting on a pay check from his new job. Finally got it but there are so many bills to catch up on . Being out of work for 8 weeks can kick you in the pocket really hard. Didn't think about telling the Walmart people about the battery starting to drain low if they left the head lights on or pushing start button a million times. The battery is not almost dead when it is driven regularly. It's not as if it had to be jumped off every time we drove it to town. I think it's been jumped off about 4 times 5 if you count the service center. We would have bought the battery sooner if we had the money to do so. We didn't have unemployment to fall back on. Being unemployed was a big drain. I am glad that we don't have to scrape by any more.
Yeah I know Walmart but not having the funds for a oil change at dealership after being out of work for eight weeks. It was past due and I tried to get it done sooner rather than later. Guess I should have waited another two weeks.