Hello, I see that there may be an incentive for some plug in vehicles to use HOV lanes in North Carolina. Does anyone know if this applies to the Prime? Do you have to pay additional fees for vehicle registration due to the vehicle being a plug in hybrid? Just trying to prepare for any sticker shock at registration time when we move and/or take hold of any benefits that are available. Thanks!
1) Yes, although there are few HOV lanes mostly metro Charlotte and RDU area. 2)No. 3)Check out NCDMV for all fees including vehicle personal property tax calculator.
Yes, and I started responding to that when your posts triggered the "new post" message. So I cut those bits out instead of repeating them.
I don't think it's normally possible to create a blank post but in post #8 just before this one you see just that. The site was acting very strange, for example I clicked "Like" on Trollbait's post and a message popped up "Are you sure you want to like this message?". Never seen that before. I thought maybe the cookies somehow got cleared. Then when I tried to reply to message #6 it said "Are you sure you want to reply to this message?". I clicked yes but there was no place to type. I then switched from my phone to my PC, same thing. I tried to log out but didn't have an option to log out. Then I noticed that even though I didn't click anything I had a blank reply posted. A few minutes later I was back in Kansas again and things were back to normal. Or was it North Carolina? Oh yeah that's what we were talking about. What I was going to say before I was sidetracked was that our posts are read by other people not just the OP so we sometimes give related information in case it helps the OP or maybe someone else who is reading the thread.