I'm hoping to move out of my apt. and buy a condo, then buy a used (probably) Prius Prime. (My current car is my beloved 2012 Prius C, so charging will be a new routine. I'm in the research/ thinking stage.) According to the PlugShare website, a nearby hospital has 120 outlets in one of their free parking garages. I don't drive a lot of miles, so charging up at the hospital sounds like a great idea. But I'm not clear on something I heard in the YouTube video "Toyota How-To: 2017 Prius Prime - Charging". Discussing the Charging Connector Lock (at a public charging station), the narrator says: "In the Auto Lock & Auto Unlock mode, the system will automatically lock the charger in the port when it's inserted. And the system will automatically unlock the charger when the hybrid battery is fully charged. This is a good feature when at free charging stations, so that you don't lock up the charger longer than you need." Let's say I volunteer--or get a part-time job--for 4 hours at the hospital while my Prime charges up. Does this mean that, when my Prime battery is fully charged, another hybrid owner could notice that I'm "full", park next to my car, and just disconnect my car so that he/she can use that charging station?
yes, this is charging etiquette 101. if the evse will reach two cars, it is unacceptable to unplug someone who is charging, but acceptable to unplug when they are done, and moving the evse to their car. a better way is to have the car notify you when done, and you can unlug yourself, and move your car if spaces are tight. keep in mind, there are two types of evse's. portable (L1 120v comes with prime) and permanent (public L2 240v) you wouldn't want to leave your portable connected in public and risk theft. so if the parking garage only has 120v outlets you can use, you would want to find a way to lock your portable so that it can't be stolen.
Good question, I don't own a Prime but was curious about someone else touching my car and maybe chipping the paint. Some people aren't very careful.
agreed, that's why doing it yourself before they have a chance is always a better idea, but not always possible.
If you use your own level 1 charger, there's a different option, I don't remember the specifics but it will not unlock the charger until you show up with the key and manually unlock it. So it will stay locked to your charging port until you return to your car. You can set these options via the multifunction display. Keep in mind that the plus trim of the prius prime does not have this option - I think it's just the premium and advanced trims that have the charge lock capability.
Thanks all, esp. to bisco: Thanks for mentioning the EVSE standard. I googled it & got educated....it's good to know connections are much safer today. Apparently a L2 (240v) charger would "fill up" a Prius Prime in shortly after 2 hours, rather than over 5 hours with a L1 (standard 120v) charger. Perhaps a dumb question: If I were to buy my own L2 charger, I simply could not use it at a public 120v charging station?
If you bought a 120/240V EVSE with the plug adapter you could use it as an L1 or L2 EVSE. Many brands allow dual voltage input. Such as this one, only they don't include the 120V adapter: However, I'm not sure what you mean by 'a public 120V charging station'. Do you mean an outdoor 120V outlet?
To Bill: Yes, I mean an outdoor 120v outlet, such as those at the nearby hospital parking structure, or near highway exits. But I'm realizing that when searching for an affordable condo, I simply must find one where I could plug in a Prius Prime---which is impossible at my apartment. It may turn out that owning a plug-in hybrid here in suburban Detroit is simply impractical unless one owns a house & garage. PS. For some reason, the specific 120/240V EVSE you intended to embed in your post ("this one") doesn't appear in your post.
Huh,, I see it now. It's graphic link to an Amazon EVSE. Search for yourself. They are getting so affordable! Also, You can use a LONG 12 ga. extension cord, regardless of what the manuals say (lawyers) and what others say. 12 Amps is not a big deal. Look at online wire gauge calculators.
You may want to do some research here: Google [evseupgrade] (I'm new, apparently can't post a link yet.) Great site, great guy runs it, good product.
OK, I searched amazon, finding several EVSE dual-voltage portable EV electric chargers. What's interesting is that in the product descriptions, it says: "Want your electric car charger installed by a professional? ...estimate: $1,000.00." Well, not this week! I think my next step is to talk to a local real-estate agent who knows about condominiums.
That's just amazon with its new installation offers. The don't have crews, just contracts. And they don't know how far your circuit breaker panel is from where you want your new 240V outlet. If you have an unused clothes dryer outlet, that's all you need, and maybe a 240V extension cord.
So is the issue that you cannot park close to your apartment and run an extension cord from there to the vehicle? Is there anyone close by that would allow you to charge your vehicle at their residence or business and maybe you could pay them to let you charge it up there?