My steering wheel dropped while I was driving it almost caused me to get into a accident. Two plastic clips that hold the steering wheel came loose and the steering wheel dropped into my lap. When I tried to secure the steering wheel back onto the plastic clips, the plastic got a little damaged. I took it into the dealer and they wanted to charge me $2400 to replace the entire steering column. I refused to pay and when I picked up the car the service advisor told me the only thing wrong was the plastic clip was bent and I should find someone glue the damaged clip and secure the steering column using the damaged clip... Toyota disappoints me once again.
i've never had an issue with toyota steering wheel adjustments. how many miles on her? maybe you can find the part at a salvage yard.
Are you saying the steering wheel fell in your lap, and the car had no way to steer. Or are you saying the cowel around the steering wheel shaft fell in your lap. Looks like a 21 mm bolt attaches the wheel, I’d guess it’s torqued to 125-150 ft lbs, I’m guessing it was the cowel.
Adjustable steering column, clamp came loose or broke, column dropped down. Easy to fix. The dealer should be able to get the part. Plastic doesn't last forever.