3 SUVs in 3 Weeks

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by ServoScanMan, Jul 28, 2006.

  1. Bill Merchant

    Bill Merchant absit invidia

    May 3, 2005
    USA | Oregon | Portland area | 97004 |
    2007 Prius

    Sucks brains out of babies...
  2. daronspicher

    daronspicher Active Member

    Sep 27, 2005
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(McShemp @ Jul 31 2006, 09:41 PM) [snapback]295480[/snapback]</div>
    I think the rules are: When you're going to make a bad analogy, use beer.

    To use your bad analogy for moronic sake, let me ask you this... Does that woman who gets attacked end up 100% of the time with the law and the witnesses on her side?

    Or, does she come to find out that in a great many cases, the witnesses say they thought she was hanging all over that guy half the night. Then the guy says it was a mutual thing, not an attack.. In the end, she's right, yet violated, but also the cops and the law are not seeing it her way.

    It was your bad analogy and it didn't get any better here. Maybe in the ideal world you live in, the girl dresses the wrong way and the guy is always guilty in spite of how carelessly she displays herself and how she acts with him in the public place.

    Apparently you haven't gathered the harvest of the crop you're planting in the left lane because you're still here. Maybe today is your lucky day.

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Bill Merchant @ Aug 1 2006, 12:51 AM) [snapback]295567[/snapback]</div>
    Whoops, I got that one wrong... I thought he was airing this one up.

    42psi in the head, 40psi in the toes...
  3. CrazyRussian

    CrazyRussian Junior Member

    Apr 26, 2006
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Bill Merchant @ Jul 28 2006, 11:15 PM) [snapback]294207[/snapback]</div>

    This, pretty much, sums up what's wrong with this country. Why does one want to irritate another fellow citizen? What's the kick? What's the pleasure? Do you people remember words such as dignity, kindness, politeness, respect and their meaningS? Being enclosed in a box of metal, regardless whether that box is called Prius, Tahoe, or any other name, we are still HUMAN BEINGs, PEOPLE and should still treat each other with respect. I bet none of you would slow down or stop when walking in a narrow hall and seeing someone walking faster from behind you.... why would anyone do that? Just "to irritate"? C'mon!!!

    Now about all "law abiding" bunch of you: I bet none of you would interfere with an armed robbery, or a gang fight. Why not??? To dengerous??? But isn't the right thing to do??? HYPOCRITES. An example: my wife got robbed by two guys with knives at 5PM on Wednesday on 5th Avenue and 34 Street in Manhattan!!!!!!!!!!!!! There were like .... hundreds and hundreds of people around and NONE helped.... wasnt it the right thing to do?

    Now about speed limits: (hypothetically speaking) if majority of drives will drive 95MPH SAFELY, eventually, the law will be changed to reflect that. Why? Because "In the United States, traffic engineers may rely on the 85th percentile rule[2] to establish speed limits. The speed limit should be set to the speed that separates the bottom 85% of vehicle speeds from the top 15%. The 85th percentile is somewhat less than two standard deviations above the mean of a normal distribution", so the law can be changed. What is the law? "The body of rules and principles governing the affairs of a community and enforced by a political authority; a legal system" and that "body of rules and principles" will change, it always does. Whant examples? Slavery. Gay marriage.
    Things chagne .... use common sense. You cant stop a speeding train with your Prius EVEN if a semaphore is read for the train and YOU ARE LEGALLY RIGHT TO PROCEED ....
  4. pogo

    pogo New Member

    Jul 8, 2006
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(McShemp @ Jul 31 2006, 07:41 PM) [snapback]295480[/snapback]</div>
    I don't think you have. (my dumb analogy). You're sitting in a cafe, drinking a beer. A crazy guy points a gun at you and says "You're in my seat. Move or I'll shoot you." You've got a perfect right to be there What to do?

    BTW, there seems to be a bit of anger here amongst those that this car has had such a "calming" effect on.

    I didn't know when I bought a Prius that I had joined a holy war against SUVs. (BTW I've observed the bad driving behavior for years, and I don't think it started with the advent of SUVs).

    My daddy taught me two things that have stood me in good stead:

    1. Drive with the flow of traffic.
    2. Expect that the drivers around you will do the absolute worst thing they can at any moment. (We used to talk about defensive driving. What ever happened to that?)
  5. McShemp

    McShemp New Member

    Sep 16, 2005
    SA, TX
    2006 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(pogo @ Aug 1 2006, 01:49 PM) [snapback]295800[/snapback]</div>
    I pull out my piece and shoot first ... without even standing up, no less! In this analogy, I'm a quickdraw artist and the crazy <strike>SUV driver</strike> guy has slow reflexes.

    There's no anger in my responses ... just incredulity. But hey, you guys must be the true road warriors.

    BTW - I went through a speed trap in a residential neighborhood three days in a row last week. There were two lanes going in each direction, and I was doing between 35 and 40 (the limit was 40) in the right hand lane. Two out of the three days, people were in such a hurry to whip around me they never saw it coming and were pulled over. In some small way I felt like I was setting them up to get caught. Was what I did wrong somehow?
  6. pogo

    pogo New Member

    Jul 8, 2006
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(McShemp @ Aug 1 2006, 01:09 PM) [snapback]295850[/snapback]</div>
    No, nor did I sense anger in your response. But I do sense it in many other responses here. Point being you've got to use some judgement. Sounds to me that what you did was perfectly safe, and the guys who were in a hurry were, well, in a hurry. Only point is, if someone is driving dangerously agressively I will immediately cede the road to him. My life ain't worth making a point.

    Edit: I almost forgot. Back in the real world the SUV driver just ran over you. He had slow reflexes.
  7. rufaro

    rufaro WeePoo, Gen II

    May 26, 2006
    Lost Angeles
    2006 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(daronspicher @ Aug 1 2006, 02:53 AM) [snapback]295603[/snapback]</div>
    "...in spite of how carelessly she displays herself and how she acts with him in the public place."

    And no really means yes, please.

    And omigod, I forgot to wear my burkhah today. S**t.
  8. bruceha_2000

    bruceha_2000 Senior Member

    Jan 2, 2004
    Northwest VT
    2018 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(hdrygas @ Jul 30 2006, 12:10 AM) [snapback]294487[/snapback]</div>
    Ah, my dream job when I retire from my current career - Traffic control in an unmarked Prius. People will stop driving stupid when they get hauled over for it not once in 1,000 times, but once in 10. My prior manager said "I don't speed, I only go 74, you won't get a ticket at 74". Speeding isn't relative to the posted limit, it is relative to how likely you are to get a ticket?? She needs to see some flashing blues with that attitude. The state police were noted in a recent article in the paper saying as much - people figure they won't get a ticket at a certain speed above the posted limit and that attitude has to change.
  9. bruceha_2000

    bruceha_2000 Senior Member

    Jan 2, 2004
    Northwest VT
    2018 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(pogo @ Aug 1 2006, 02:49 PM) [snapback]295800[/snapback]</div>
    Agreed. The last guy that pissed me off was in a BMW that ran up on me at about 80 while I was doing 67 in the 'passing' lane (2 lane interstate) passing a car doing 65. I guess he figured I should stomp on it so he could continue on his way. There was no 'flow of traffic', there were 5 total vehicles visible on the road.

    That gets my hackles up. 10 feet is NOT safe distance at 65 MPH. What if I happen to blow a tire at that exact point in time? I'll be courteous and NOT pull over to pass just as you, the speeder, get close and I WILL move back as soon as I SAFELY pass. You be courteous and don't run up my tail while I'm passing. Really, I'm not as stupid as you think I am. I DO know that you want to be in front of me. In fact, if you DON'T run up my tail, I am MORE LIKELY to speed up and pass a little faster for YOUR convenience even though I am already exceeding a speed limit you choose not to recognize. Why, because while you are severely exceeding the speed limit, at least you aren't immediately endangering my life.

    Too bad for him, my Prius slowed to 65. He gave me an exasperated two hands up but didn't back off. I gave him a salute. He backed off, I went back to 68, passed safely and he flew on by.

    By the way, I also move from the travel lane to the passing lane at exit ramps. Why? Because that is what you are SUPPOSED to do, so those getting on and off the highway can do so safely.
  10. Three60guy

    Three60guy -->All around guy<-- (360 = round) get it?

    May 20, 2005
    Racine, Wisconsin
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Advanced

    Gawd we need to step back and really understand what is going on here. What the heck are we all going to do when oil goes even more sky high than it is now? Is the solution to drive even faster? I do not look forward to the day of reckoning when half of this country won't be able to afford to drive period. Those who will be driving will be so damn angry that everyone will be at risk.

    Is it just me or does anyone else get the idea that people are speeding because to not to somehow reduces their chance of getting there? Gee, I gotta speed or else I might not have enough gas. People are being pushed to the limit in their jobs, in their daily lives, their budgets, their schedules, their entire lives.

    What is coming through in this tread is the result of all this stress. It is a symptom, which if not contained, will result in huge amounts of road rage to come in the future. I fear the future. We need to slow down not only our cars but ourselves as well. We need to find a way to promote slowing down as a positive. The Prius appears to help us with that. I do not think we need to find justification to speed up our automobiles from tailgaters. We need to find a way for tailgaters to not need to.

    Just my views and observations.