Hi All. I traded my 4 liter six cylinder pickup (we call them a "Ute" here) last friday on a Silver Mica 2003 build, 2004 year model Prius II. The ute was stuck on 14.0 L per 100Km and I managed to get 5.1 L per 100 Km on the drive home from the dealer! I have done all the usual stuff, taken lots of people for rides, shown off, felt that wonderful smug feeling etc etc. At the moment I must say that I'm 100% happy with my choice and every time the fuel prices notch up, I'll be smiling a little smile! I have only just filled 'er up for the first time and so I don't have a firm figure for economy but I do have he magical factory fitted EV button which I use on the way to work. I have no plans for any mods just yet but I see a plugin conversion in my future! This to this
Yay, another fellow Australian Prius owner. Welcome I'm still waiting on my one, but it should be here in a few weeks!