Grawlix was @merriamwebster's word of the day recently. They're funny when they troll a certain person who tweets a lot.
TV profanities are interesting in this regard. I heard "Breaking Bad" podcasts where Vince Gilligan discussed how those were doled out to writers in limited numbers for maximum dramatic effect.
When i got my first Japanese 携帯電話 (mobile phone) I was so surprised about the emoji. The one, particularly. It had little stink waves and even flies buzzing around it. And this was back in 2001. Their flip phones made ours look like Fisher-Price toys.
After searching the entire internet I have concluded that no Prius emoji exists. This grawlixian situation is unacceptable.
For your "over-casual use of fuel" files: World's Fastest Monster Truck Gets 264 Feet per Gallon | WIRED Finally, so that readers who've 'liked' me above can reverse those decisions, correct grammar is "overly casual". Without a dash.
I'd watch Westworld again to just to figure more of it out, but I'm not sure I can abide all the cussin' and killin'. And they're not just saying the f word... Even my dog swears. One of her favourite games is catching pine cones that I toss to her, and when she misses the first one, she lets out a unique bark that sounds just like a swear word.
If there's one thing that makes me swear, it's f---ing emojis*. Sad face. Angry face. Honestly, communicating emotions is what words are for. *By this, I should stress that I mean "emojis, all of which deserve said F-expletive as a descriptor", not "hilarious emojis demonstrating said F-action". But I'm sure there is such a thing. And that the world is a worse place for it.
Since the job has told chat support to clean up vocal language, we have become far more evil in the tortures we wish upon truly stupid customers. Worse than Clive Barker's Weaveworld, and what our combined resources of SF, comic book, anime and other worlds can fathom. Makes a simple mofo seem charming in comparison. But that is what you get when you have a lot of whiny, intolerant, ignorant babies chat in and staff who are hard pressed to suffer fools.