Pump the gas at a slower rate and hold the filler nozzle at an almost 90º angle to the vertical with the the nozzle just inside the filler neck (the narrow part). Listen carefully and when you hear the gurgling sound of the fuel rising in the filler neck, back off to the slowest you can go so the gurgling backs off. Stop after the auto cutoff activates.
No, sorry. I have no idea why we can hear the filler neck filling up, I just know it works and mine doesn't have the bladder, so it is something else other than that. Something to do with the way the tank is designed as the fuel goes in and air comes out, I suppose. It is the most finicky tank to fill I have come across.
Does "spewing gas out" mean that you are trying to put 12 gallons in your car when there is already a gallon or two in there? When I have one pip flashing on my 2005, I can rarely put more than 9 gallons in there.
OK but we may have a bladder problem on top of that. It seems better in summer when the bladder may be warmer and more flexible, but also in the U.S. they take the butanes out in summer fuel, and that change seems to help also.
Put the pump all the way in and put the metal click tab on. Hold the pump in one hand and the gas cap in the other. When the pump clicks off pull it out with one hand and put the cap on with the other. You might spill a little but not like if you were just sitting there watching it pour back out.
Alright has anyone thought about either your evaporative vent valve sticking close? If it does and no venting you will not be able to take gas and yes your fill neck could be clogged as well. Another idea is that you recently fueled on an incline and the inclinometer sensors of your combo meter that talks to the fuel gauge is out of calibration? I have heard that but never seen it since most gas stations are pretty level. Spewing out like that means it is not venting and pushing the fuel back out because air is not being displaced when liquid is entering bladder. You are right as well the plastic resin outside is concealing a bladder inside when cold or hot will take varying amounts of gas depending on season. Hope that helps,.....SCIENCE! Plus I am a mechanic so yeah.