Interesting article, on the dubious benefits of touch screens. The Problem with Touch controls in the Automotive Industry - SlashGear
Yap, one thing I hate about my PRIME is the 11.6 inch touch screen LCD panel. It is impossible to even change radio station with my heavy work gloves in my hands after working a few minute outside of car to clear the snow. I don't use navi, and I basically have the climate control set at AUTO all the time.
great article, but one clarification. while it is possible to stop what you are doing when using your smart phone, many people don't, and it can be just as dangerous as a touch screen in a cait's amazing how long voice commands are taking.
I love the touch screens BUT I wish the manufacturers would blend the benefits of both. I don't want all touchscreen or all buttons (although if I had to pick one or the other, all buttons is preferred). But a blend like the Gen 3 works well or some of the Honda products with the dual screen setup (not my favourite set up but at least it had a controller and buttons around it). I see a lot of Gen 2 in the Gen 4/Prime (minus the storage spaces lol) but I found the Gen 2's screen easy to use. It helped that a lot of the audio and climate control buttons were on the steering wheel. For those that never had a Gen 2, you were able to control the temperature, the recirc/fresh air, front defroster, rear defroster and even turn on/off the climate control with the steering wheel mounted buttons. That was super convenient. Combine that with the audio controls (and navigation buttons if equipped) and you rarely had to interact with the touchscreen but got the benefit of a large 7" LCD for hybrid information or navigation map. The Prime's screen is nice but I wished they added a few more buttons on the steering wheel for climate. I guess their solution is the ability to change via the MID but that requires multiple presses to get the climate menu.
You could say the same thing for screens that are in the center and down away from the line of sight. Imagine the time to adjust your focus, read the screen, press and see that your press had an effect if you have bifocals. They are wonderful if I have a navigator to read the screen and perform some action for me. Imagine trying to turn on the defrost or the wipers from a touch screen set to navigation. Or needing to do something NOW and the sun angle causes a washout of the screen so it is unreadable. Or needing to do something in a rental car in a new city in traffic with an interface totally different from the ones you are used to. (It isn't like I'm techno adverse, I have 5 touch screen devices I interact with daily. Just terribly aware of what a few seconds of driver distraction can cause.)
having buttons as an alternative is great for us old folks, but allowing the touch screen controls might mean the 17 year old coming the opposite way might kill me. although, as long as they can text and drive, it probably doesn't matter.
This kind of reminds me of the old Star Trek movie where Scotty had to use a really antiquated computer and he tries to talk to it and there was the keyboard on the console. Anyone remember this episode? We are almost there. lol
I just bought my first Prius two days ago and I think I made the mistake of thinking this was normal. Whenever I look at the navigation , it hurts my eyes!! what’s up with this? I found no info about this anywhere on the internet. Please advise!
Welcome. Did you buy new car or used car? Your profile says you have 2011 Prius Four, if that is the model, you might have better chance getting answer to your question by posting under Gen 3 Prius Technical Discussion | PriusChat. I am not an expert, and I don't have experience with your particular model, but the photo you attached looks like LCD panel is going bad. I have had aged tablet with similar coloration. Sorry couldn't give you more precise advice. I am sure others will chime in soon.
Yes, just bought it used the other day. Has 135k miles on it. Got it from a local Honda dealer. They took it in as a trade-in. I asked them about it today and they say it’s normal but it can’t be right! it’s so bad, I can barely look at it without getting dizzy. It shouldn’t be like that. When you take a picture of your LCD with a cell phone, does it look like that?
Sorry, as I said above, I don't have the same car as yours. I use to own Gen3 Prius like yours but my trim had no Nav, so can't compare. You will have better luck if you post it under Gen3 topic. That said, the color of the lcd screen in you photo is obviously abnormal.
Ah for the good old days of rotary dial, cell phones. Self-erasing, electronic mail: Samsung perfected: Bob Wilson ps. Over the top?
Too late! Pruitt got the last one: EPA: Pruitt's phone booth a 'head-scratcher' -- Wednesday, September 27, 2017 -- Bob Wilson
I personally find the Gen2 interface easier to use while driving, and I really miss the recirc button on the steering wheel that's gone on the Prime. The rapid flickering I notice from (what I assume is) LED PWM in the Prime also kind of drives me nuts. The thing that I've recently found annoying is the lack of charging information displayed on the screens when the car isn't on (it's waaay more focused on the window being open or whatever) - I really don't understand why it isn't displaying state of charge/range/time to full almost all the time.
First thing that came to my mind was.... It's gotta be - glorious technicolour, breathtaking CinemaScope and (in a deep, booming voice) stereophonic sound! .. as usual, I was absolutely no help at all. But, good luck with the dealership (it ain't normal at all) and welcome to Prius Chat.
I agree that it isn't normal, but unfortunately you aren't going to get anywhere with the dealership. Unless you have some sort of warranty on is likely buyer beware.
Is it possible that it got wet and that happened? anyone with a 2011 LCD mind sending me a picture of their screen to see if it has the same rainbow effect?