Hi all! I just want to rant to somebody. After 6 weeks of yelling "PRIUS" at each sighting (ala Larry David), we have just this past saturday aquired our very own (Dark Gray, Package 8). In our tri-state area, the wait was quoted at 6-8 months. Almost was scammed by all those fake add-ons and fees in NC, but recovered due to all the great info on this site. I got the exact package/color combination I wanted from Arlington Toyota in Chicago (thanks Howard) in 6 weeks as promised - no monkey business. When I picked it up it had 5 miles on it and an average MPG of 9.8. After a weekend trolling around the city we headed home with 160 miles on the car - went to top it off and would only take 2.55 gallons, quick math is over 60MPG! Can this be right?!?!?! I'm up to 400 miles on that same tank now and still have bars to spare on the gas meter. The drive home was at cruise control 75-80 MPH with constant A/C and an outside temperature hovering at 100 degrees all 400 miles home, average MPG is now 45.7. This is very encouraging since all coments in reply to my Prius news results are about the car not being compatible with my "agile" (i.e. I go fast and not in a straight line - gracefully) driving style. At those speeds, we passed plenty of other priuses (and yes, we are still yelling when we see them - even sometimes just because we are in one). As cool and savvy as my 27 year old self feels in my new car, this image was chipped away with each passed prius as each driver could easily have been my grandparent. Please don't take offense, I do understand that your age group is attracted to the car only due to your infinite wisdom - my dad wants one now. I am still rockin' it and I will return to my people and spread the word. It may be cool in L.A., but we are in the midwest. Takes a little more time for us to decide what we think is cool, donchakno! My past cars have included Lexus GS300, BMW X5 4.6 /w sport pkg, Lexus LX400. I love cars, fast cars, nice cars. The X5 (whose onboard computer gave me an average MPG of 14 - ouch) by far was my favorite because it kicked a** in the snow but was fast as heck and handled like a car. I LOVE the prius. I don't know if it will reach X5 status with me because of the winters we get here, but it is coming damn close already. This is really a return to my green eco-conscious roots. In the fifth grade, I made flyers detailing things everybody could do to "save the planet" and passed them out door to door collecting money for green peace. My science teacher Mr. Morgan got me really fired up about Earth Day that year. While I've always been a recycle-reduce-reuse nut, the cars have been my one indiscretion. This car fits both bills for me. I was on the list for the rx400h when they first announced, but I don't have to tell you the mpg and emissions don't even touch the prius. Has anybody seen an error message continually pop up on the screen when you first start driving about having to have the car in park instead of neutral? This has happened to me twice, shutting down and rebooting clears it up. About the data recorder, is that like what the insurance company offers to monitor teenagers' driving ? Do you get an insurance discount for having one? Isn't it a little scary in a big-brother sort of way? Does toyota download your information when you go in for service? Can they tell where you've been? Can it be disabled? Is is socially acceptable to pump my fist at other hybrid drivers, or will they all look at me like that? I've taken to just grinning at them to reduce the strange reactions. Looking forward to pimpin the prius with all the mods and hacks I have read about here! I'm about to go Zero Carbon, anybody is welcome to join me . Later.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(seve0049 @ Jul 31 2006, 02:46 PM) [snapback]295260[/snapback]</div> The most common reason you'll see that message is b/c a door is open while the car is in READY. Be sure all doors are closed at start up. It's more or less just for accidents...records braking time, speed of travel, etc. I think I remember there being a 10 second memory or something in it that shuts off at the time of the accident....but don't quote me on that. But no, it won't track your teens and Toyota isn't recording which adult bookstores you go to.
First, congratulations on the new toy. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(seve0049 @ Jul 31 2006, 12:46 PM) [snapback]295260[/snapback]</div> Second, my wife and I are both 26, she's from the midwest, I'm from the south, and we've both been wanting a Prius since we first saw information about it in 2002. It's not an age thing. Now there may very well be more older Prius drivers in the midwest. Here in the west (much more back country than L.A.), most appear to be middle-aged, a few older, a few younger. It's all a matter of perspective.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(seve0049 @ Jul 31 2006, 03:46 PM) [snapback]295260[/snapback]</div> I haven't seen that exact error message but I've seen a similar one that comes up if one of my doors isn't shut all the way. And while I don't qualify as being old enough to be your granny, my youngest son will be 29 on Sunday. Have a great time with your beautiful new car, driving it AND modding it! Welcome to the club!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(sl7vk @ Jul 31 2006, 04:27 PM) [snapback]295291[/snapback]</div> <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mary Anna @ Jul 31 2006, 04:42 PM) [snapback]295304[/snapback]</div> As am I. Now this is really getting spooky!
Congratulations ALL you youngsters!!! There is hope for your generation yet I think!! (at least from this 47 year old perspective) It just means you all have a conscience.......... What I'm wondering, and may post a poll on, is how many Pruis owners are vegitarians?? My wife and I for two anyways.... later ya'll
Congratulations, and welcome to the club!! For the record, I'm 28. Just turned it 1.5 weeks ago, so it wasn't that long ago that I was 27 too.... :lol:
I am 25! I love the car... we just brought ours home Saturday in the Philadelphia area- no wait, it was on the lot and we took it home the same day. Congrats on your buy!
Well, for the record, I'll be turning 27 in about two months. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Rangerdavid @ Jul 31 2006, 02:12 PM) [snapback]295325[/snapback]</div> While I'm not too worried about my generation, it's the generations that follow that I'm worried about. but yes, I do have a conscience, and listen to it regularly. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Rangerdavid @ Jul 31 2006, 02:12 PM) [snapback]295325[/snapback]</div> I for one am not a vegatarian. Now, while I don't insist on meat with every meal, or even every day, I'm not going to live without it completely.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(efusco @ Jul 31 2006, 03:58 PM) [snapback]295266[/snapback]</div> Whew! All I have to worry about now is the federal government's terrorism database.
I'm 25, my fiancee is 26 and we just got our Magnetic Grey Prius a month ago... I would LOVE to pump my fists and wave like an idiot every time I see a fellow Hybrid on the road! In NJ I notice that most Prius owners are much older than I am though, not all grandparents, some that look my parents age... but very seldom do I see a fellow 20 something driving a Hybrid. Congrats to all of us! I love my car and am trying to convince my friends that they should go Hybrid too... so far I have one friend in GA w/ a Civic Hybrid.. but she was one of the people who convinced me! Haha..
If you were willing to shave 10 or 15 mpH off your usual behavior, you could add those right onto your average mpG. Think about it. . _H*
Just turned 25 last Friday!!! I'm enjoying the Prius after coming off of the Acura RL, TL and a C55! It's just fun and I wish that my drive was longer than 12-15 minutes a day. Oh well...its all good though!
I'm 39, and my wife, who's 35, is thinking about trading in her VUE for a Prius now, as well, as are my next-door neighbors, and they're in their lower-thirties, too. BTW, just got back from a DC trip, and I can't even count how many Prii I saw in three days! Unfortunately, we couldn't wave, as I was in a rental...
Got my black Prius on June 30, 2006. I must be a young'un at 24 (and carnivorous to the core)! But I've seen Prius posters mention beeing a teenager or someone in college, so there's a small growing generation out there who's getting the hang of it. And maybe I was completely oblivious or something, but I didn't see any other Prii on highways 88, 80, and 76 from Illinois to Colorado! But I can't be completely oblivious, because I'm one of those who still points and shouts "IT'S A PRIUS!" anytime ones go by...