So, driving into work today, about 40 miles on a two lane road with limited passing areas, the usual pick-up truck tails my bumper for several miles. I am not hyper-miling; in fact, I'm doing at least 60 in a 50 MPH limit road. (It sometimes slows to 35 and 25 through a few small towns, each about a few miles long which REALLY bugged the person). My wife turns to me and said: "don't worry - it's just another anti-priite. Anti-priite? Is that a word? Why can't we all just get along!
Getting along is relatively easy. It's just that there's always some prat who wants to get along even faster!
Priite? No so much a word....yet if you were wearing your eye patch, hat and leather boots maybe you meant to spell pirate? Anti pirate. haha
I'm assuming pronunciation is "Pree-Ite". I think language and communication is an ever changing reality. I like it. I say yes, It is a
I have decided that your wife is being exceptionally generous. But I like her style since I like to make up new words, too. However, the word that comes to my mind concerning the driver behind you is an old one. It's "idiot."
Your wife has decreed it is a word, it would be wisest to decide she is right. Getting along with your wife is WAY more important than getting along with someone who doesn't even know how to pass.
I can think of a number of choice words, the nicest of which would be asshat. The Cowboy Pimpmobiles and Stupid Utility Vehicles driving behind me on country roads here in Texas will get to enjoy going the speed limit. I don't feel like being the one that gets pulled over by Sheriff RinkyDink for the hefty out of town special kangaroo court speeding ticket (the time for which would likely double because I drive one of them there unamerican Priuses).
Several humble TX municipalities "keep tax rates low" by catching speeders. Certainly not just TX and kangaroos are never strictly required. It would serve no purpose for me to name towns. This Prius never 'lit' a LIDAR gun thar. If you know the spots (and you should), just compensate for reduced velocity there with louder toonz.
Not being from here, I don't know the local revenue enhancement departments yet. So, I'd rather not take any chances. That's the beauty of DRCC.
Yuneedan ally. Maybe several. If such are not available, plan B. Park triggering vehicle off site and bring homemade cookies to Policia. No foolin'. Tell them you do and will drive their streets, and to simplify everybodys' lives, ask them where are hot spots? If one thinks they won't tell, one has never played this card. One is breaking all the rules by being suitably 'less than' and delivering an honest gift. One can socially engineer enforcers with such simple steps. Been doin' like this for multiple effing decades. Police, as 'opposition' are dragged down by being hated/feared/other negative things. Break out of that by making You their friend. It works.
I understand exactly what you're going through, it happens to me all the time, and I just dismiss it as yet one more occurrence of the inevitable "driver with a huge ego (thus the pick-up) needing to get right along to their next accident as soon as possible" syndrome! If it gets too annoying, I just pull over and let them pass… (…sigh!)
'Tis a very good thing to not interfere with other folks' death- or primacy-wishes. Getting involved in their primacy-floof might harm you. You have more important things to do.
Not quite the -ITE ending, but thought this might amuse. The Brits are ltfao..... Shyte Chocolate, Canadian Company, Goes Viral In U.K. Because Of Course It Did
When taking a road trip, I think cookies might be construed as a bribe. And I'm sure many of you heard about the Sandra Bland case, although she was driving while black in South Texas. So sticking to the speed limit seems like a good strategy.