I need to replace my compressor, prius plus (european version of prius V). Brand new costs 2500euro, so my electrician has been looking for one in scrapyards.. he told me that compressor must be the same model as mine, mine is 11/2012.. can someone please advise, if i could replace 2012 compressor with say, 2016unit? Are the units (2012 and 2016) not the same? Many thanks, J.
I am in the US, so I am looking at US parts. I look up a 2012 Prius v Three compressor, it has part number 8837076010 I look up a 2017 Prius v Three compressor, it has part number 8837076010 So I look up a 2012 Prius v two and Five ( the other trim levels) and they also have part number 8837076010 Sadly, if I look up a 2012 Prius Three compressor, it has two different part numbers (something changed in April) neither of which is 8837076010. This part is half the cost, if it was interchangeable, that would be great. Rats. Unless something weird happened in Europe, any year and trim Prius + is fine, but it is not the same as a Prius. CONDENSER, COMPRESSOR & LINES.. For 2012 Toyota Prius v Five | Toyota South Atlanta You can cruise this link to confirm my claims.
The trouble too might be, some UK prices are just through the roof. The ATF WS fluid for example, costs about 4 times as much?
Guys!!! I have some news, but let me thank you first for your help! Ok, i have found my problem: Coroded connector.. Now, you could save me from buying 2000euro worth compressor.. if you could advise, if it would be possible to replace only the connector part on the compressor itself.. ?? Any exploded view of compressor?? Thank you veery much in advance!
Have a look at this: Corroded AC wiring harness 2010 - anyone heard of this? | PriusChat Here he throws in the towel: Corroded AC wiring harness 2010 - anyone heard of this? | Page 3 | PriusChat
At McGeorge Toyota (US online dealership parts department) compressor prices are significantly lower. 2010, & 2011 up to and including August build-date, are $1360 (US): Condenser, Compressor & Lines for 2010 Toyota Prius | Toyota Parts And beyond 2011 August build-date, $1358: Condenser, Compressor & Lines for 2012 Toyota Prius | Toyota Parts 1121 Euros. But who knows, for Ireland, with imports charges, shipping.
.. so the compressor connector cannot be repaired.. that is really frustrating.. especially when the price of a compressor is so high... toyota's poor design, using such weak connector behind blower, and placing it vertically above the compressor.. water can leak through the harness, running down the cables, into the pins.. bad, very bad.. I seriously dont want to pay 2000euro for a compressor.. i paid 1500 for almost brand new engine, including labour! I will try to find some pics of disassembling the compressor, and hopefully find some way around it..
If the connector pins are still good but so corroded there's no longer good contact, try this cheap fix:
Oh my mistake, wasn't looking at the forum heading, and was confused by Ireland model names. Ah, too good to be true.
Hello, I would like to update my story.. I found a good car-electrician, with hybrid cars experience.. he by-passed the coroded connector by separate cables, and found, that diagnostics shows one error code, i dont know the number.. the code should relate to communication compressor/main computer. He thinks, that water could damage electronics inside the compressor. The electronics could be replaced by some second-hand compressor.. or buy a new one, 3000euro.. This problem, is a design flaw by Toyota.. placing the control cable connector on top of the A/C compressor, where the water can easily get / condense, is, at least for me, quite a bad idea, especially if the repair/replacement of the damaged part is quite expensive.. Also I learned, that this is quite a common fault and happens quite often.. Toyota should do something, at least offer some sort of discount for affected customers.. Any advice on this topic is welcome!
Yes, a little "cup" atop the compressor, catches the water, shorts out. A word to the wise, for anyone contemplating hosing down the engine bay. There's a similar connector on the throttle body, one I can think of.
Hello everybody! Small update.. my A/C is still not working.. Two mechanics, none of them could fix it.. and summer heatwaves are on the way.. One electrician tried to recover faulty a/c compressor - he covered the original damaged connector on the top of compressor by some sort of resin.. then he drilled two holes for new cable entry.. glued cables, connected.. result? The a/c didnt start.. one code came on, about fault in A/C circuit.. Now, he suggested finding and replacing my unit with the one from scrapyard.. and here is one thing I am looking for advice from somebody: I attached picture of my compressor label and one from scrapyard, the first codes match (0422420...), However the end numbers dont..my electrician says i have to find the whole number start to finish.. THE QUESTION FOR YOU: do i have to find a compressor that would match exactly match the code number of compressor, starting 04220... until the end of line? Please advise, Many thanks in advanced!
To me, as long as the compressors are compatible with each other, I'd forget the part numbers blabla matching till end. Just ensure the replacement compressor you're getting, has its configurations, I mean where the 12mm bolts or so are tightened to the engine block the same. That's what should matter to you, in my view.
You don't have much electronics on those compressors. Tpu just have some electric motors in the casing, and probably the external cpnnectors