Can (backwards) time travelers resist temptations of sports wagering? As I understand, any big winners in Las Vegas must immediately file tax forms. IRS would have Social Security numbers etc. I imagine IRS knows of them, and it a narrowly held conspiracy. From that I'd want to know if any IRS folks bet on UMBC. Investigative journalism at its finest.
when i won big at the track (a few thousand) i was immediately approached by someone willing to give me cash for my ticket.
We already know they can't resist. As we have seen in the Back to the Future series, later editions of Grays Sports Almanac prove far too tempting. And, the IRS always gets their due. Biff Tanner's empire must have paid some taxes from their ill-gotten gains, albeit sometime down the road, time-travelling-speaking. And, of course, the IRS knows about all this temporal stuff. That's why they've amassed such a huge database such as it is, and is probably connected to Facebook, Twitter and other social media data accessing accounts. I, for one, more worry about Uber. Their very name "Uber" just sounds most daunting and frightening.