I spent all day at the dealership and traded my Prius v 4 for a 2018 Prius 4. Needless to say, I am in love! Happy Driving ❤️
gorgeous, congrats! please write up the pro's and cons with the v after you've had her awhile. all the best!
For 2018, yes. A new feature for the Four and Four Touring is the 11.6" HD (1920x1080) vertical display.
Congratulations on your new Prius. Love the sea glass pearl. My Prius 2 came in the same color. So beautiful!
I personally hate the SGP color. In fact, I waited for about a month just to get a different color. I was surprised to find that so many people like it.
I love it and have gotten so my compliments on it. IMO the color selections are boring in the Prius. I only liked the Seaglass.
It was an easy choice for me...the only Prius 2 on the lot was SGP with the light colored seats, but the black center console. From my perspective it also stays cooler when the car is uncovered both exterior and interior. My 08' would really soak up the heat as it was the dark "Magnetic Gray".
What a lovely color...burp...we only have three in that color in our family! They rarely look dirty and remain cooler in the summer heat. Prius comes in so many other lively colors in Japan....ugh! Too bad the color choice is so limited in the US. There are so many delightful colors out there that one would think that Toyota would wake up. I also upgraded from a 2013 V and adore the 2017 Four. It really hauls when you put the medal to the floor, and makes me forget I am driving a hybrid. Feel like a teenager again at times...at least for the first ten seconds after the red light changes to green. Fun, fun, fun!
Hello! I will probably be pulling the trigger on my '12 c2 to '18 Prius Four in the next day or two, I've all but signed the paperwork. It just occurred to me, though... what kind of glare do you get off the 11.6" screen during the day?