While I should be happy with this car based on the refinements and better performance, but after 8500 miles I’m not - it's been back to the dealer more times than my two Gen 3's combined in over 150K...in fact neither of my Gen 3's ever needed a single repair or adjustment. Yes the Gen 4 gets better mileage, handles better, has a FAR better traction control system that you can turn off, is more comfortable, and much nicer interior, I went from a 2 to a loaded 4 - great JBL stereo, love the adaptive cruise...it should be a home run! Sadly the new car gleam is long gone and it's going to be hard to get it back.. ...multiple problems - twice it's been aligned - first the steering wheel was 10 degrees left when delivered, fixed, two weeks later 5 degrees right, both rear shocks have rattled loose, I've had a windshield wiper depart the mount, the car just feels like it getting looser by the mile and the road noise getting louder by the day - Ya I'm in a bad place with this car - sucks to be a motorhead sometimes ...today it was back for the third time for rattles - I'll give tech a lot of credit, he busted his butt insulating the bumper carriage, the interior panels in back, removed the rear seat and secured wires... we both hear things, but just had to give up for the day after over three hours...it's far better, but still not to his or my satisfaction...He even suggested I get the Toyota rep out to "hear" Sunroof leaks a bit at car wash...although I think I fixed that with some silicone lube. I find the window/sunroof buffeting when open to be terrible...It's been a very tough first 4 months of ownership...starting to look around, but hoping I can settle in and calm down. Sadly I'm now wishing I still had my Gen 3 - that was a great built car compared to this one...at least so far. It's feeling to me like Toyota went too far lightening up the car using easy to assemble throwaway fasteners. All said I thought this would be my last new car...but I'm pretty sure I'm done with this one...trouble is, I don't think I can go back to normal mileage...very frustrated and trying to find some more patience.
Well that is an in depth review. I admired the subtle nuance,and the clear contrast to the previous vehicle.
Yes - I wondered too - last we heard he said "... I like my Gen 4 very much ... far better than my old Gen 3's ..." Hopefully we get more indepth information.
My 2010 gen 3 has had rattles since day 3. I believe the dealer made a deal with the gremlins for it to be quiet driving off the lot. I'm at the point where I'm happy if one rattle drowns out the others. (OK, not quite that bad.) We're thinking about trading our other vehicle for a next gen Rav4 or Lexus UX next year but I do worry about rattles in new Toyota vehicles.
My 2016 model 3 has been trouble free for 21k miles. The wind buffeting is due to the Prius cabin design, but can be eliminated by cracking open the opposite window. It is a common problem in many cars. JeffD
Lemons happen, with every manufacturer. I'm sorry to hear about your experiences. I'd sell it private party to recoup the most amount of money possible, then purchase another one. Maybe a leftover 2017 Prime -- who knows, May incentives will likely be better than April. Hardly my least reliable VEHICLE, but my least reliable Toyota/Lexus product was a 2005 RX330. 2 or 3 weeks after buying it, a rock pierced the A/C condenser while driving on the highway, knocking out the A/C system. Warranty wouldn't cover it, so I had my new Lexus in for a ~$1,000 repair with temp tags still in place. A few months later the GPS map began showing me 10 miles away, always adjusting trying to figure out what road I was on ... 10 miles away. It took software updates, antenna replacements, and finally a complete NAV system replacement. It had a few other (more minor) issues I can't remember now, but it was sold private party after 16 months and replaced with a nearly flawless BMW 3-series (go figure) that I kept until 2011. A good friend of mine drove a 2004 RX330 180,000 miles, nearly trouble free, and my mother still has her 2007 RX350 (purchased new) that has been utterly flawless after 11 years. Moral of the ramble, there are bad apples here and there - don't beat yourself up too much.
. Almost nobody here buys sunroofs (semi-tropics and they're pointless here), and I've only been in a couple of cars with sunroofs. Apart from a 4WD which was quite noisy anyway, I noticed quite a bit of buffeting with the sunroofs - noticeable even when closed. But open, I couldn't see the point of them as they were so noisy. I haven't noticed my PRIUS noisy - but - because it's generally quieter than my previous cars, any noise which is there is more noticeable. The only thing I do notice is hitting expansion joint strips on bridges is noisier than some previous cars. Hope you find a resolution to the issues.
Thank you so much for responding! I'm so confused, especially since I came to this incredibly comprehensive forum. I had no issues when I purchased a new Prius in 2005, but the learning curve was nothing. I purchased this 2013 from a private party about a month ago. There's 34k miles on it and runs great. But the car came with just one big manual and I downloaded a nav guide for 2013, but mine is completely different than the one shown in the pdf. Way fewer buttons. VERY disappointed with mine. Can you please tell me what I'm missing besides some brain cells? The system seems counter intuitive, so I'm still using my damn Garmin. Excuse this wordy post, but I'm exhausted. Any info/advice anyone can offer would be greatly appreciated, especially on this horrible birthday.
Yeah, sometimes more isn't always better on a brand new car. The options on a Two Eco are meager compared to what's on a 4, but less chance of stuff going wrong. Hope they will finally fix everything that is wrong on the car.
It might be best to ask on the Gen 3 FORUM - ask them, as they drive Gen 3s and would know. There might be some Gen 4 respondents who know Gen 3, but I don't as this is my first PRIUS. My Gen 4 doesn't have Sat Nav - I use my old GPS which works fine.
Here is what manuals Toyota says are available. 2013 Toyota Prius Owners Manual and Warranty - Toyota Owners
unfortunately, all toyota nav stinks. many just use their phone or portable nav. that's just the way it is.
agreed, your welcome. you can find as many threads here as you wish on prius nav complaints, even through 2018.
For some reason in 2005 when I purchased brand new, I don't remember having any issues. I also probably had no expectations! In this day and age there's no excuse to have horrible technology. I assume the HDD isn't any better, huh. Thanks for giving it to me straight. Ouch!
Sorry to bring it up again Jasmine, but if you really need navigation aid - get a portable satnav like a Garmin or TomTom. Better still, if you already have a smartphone, use either Waze, or Google Maps. They're available on both Apple and Android phones/tablets.