I am amazed all the Dealers around here have lots of 2017s and no 2018s? Is there something toyota is not telling us? Not usual behavior of new models in Sept/Oct.
Assume you're in the United States, ie: NH equals New Hampshire? Anyway, west coast of Canada, Open Road Toyota in Port Moody, BC, is currently showing 2018's in stock.
Carmax Toyota in Laurel MD, (the only Carmax selling NEW Toyotas) has a few '18's in stock. They don't run on the same model year paradigm as we are used to thinking about with cars. Also there seems to be no change at all in the model years. You can get a good deal on the '17s since they are offering incentives to move them.
The 2018s were released last month (or was it this month?) The leftover 2017s might be the issue but several members here have the 2018s
Many of the dealers in the Denver area have the 2018 Prius. Also I noticed that dealers in the Phoenix area have them as well. iPhone ?