When I got my Prius Prime, it started out showing that I had 19 miles on a full charge. I only live 7 miles from work, so a full charge gets me back and forth plus an errand or two, and I rarely have to engage the gas engine. Mostly when that happens is when I have to drive across town to a class that's ~15 miles from home. After about 6 weeks, I stopped charging it and ran the gas engine until the fuel indicator was on the last bar. That took about a month. I've been using the battery since. I've got 1300 miles on the car and have yet to put any gas in the tank! The coolest part is that over time, the estimated range for the battery has been going up and up, and now it usually shows 32-33 miles. I don't usually run it all the way down, but it seems to be fairly accurate. With gas prices jumping up, I'm pretty stoked!
I was getting 30-33 mi/charge when I bought the car in the summer. During winter (here in Washington) it went down to ~23-24, now it's moving up again. It's obviously temperature related.
If you can get 5.5 miles per kWh, you get more than 34 miles. My experience is don't drive over 65mph on freeway and don't brake too hard, you can easily reach 33miles per charge.
Yeah, we are showing 33 miles on a full charge. Once it went down to 26 but ever since then the charge has been at 32 to 33 on full charge.